Saint-Gobain // Universal Registration Document 2021

An efficient and responsible Group Demonstrate ethics and responsibility


The alert system - SpeakUp @Saint-Gobain

Saint-Gobain has an ethical and professional alert system that is accessible to employees and all other stakeholders (customers, suppliers, shareholders, trade unions, NGOs, local communities, etc.) to report any breaches of applicable regulations or internal rules and procedures, in particular those related to the code of ethics. A highly secure platform is being used since June 2020 to collect alerts and exchange with whistleblowers, including anonymously. In 2021, a related module was developed to manage the follow-up of investigations from the time of reporting to the implementation of recommendations. This module will be deployed in 2022 along with a practical guide that will remind "Alert referents" of the main principles of alert processing, describe the necessary steps (admissibility, investigation, conclusions) and the precautions to take in order to conduct investigations in a professional and impartial manner. Finally, this guide provides documentary support to inform and secure exchanges with the parties, whether they are alleged victims, witnesses or respondents.

The policy on the Group alert system and an explanatory video facilitating the understanding and the use of the platform by stakeholders are published on the Saint-Gobain website. In 2021, more than 645 alerts were processed by the "Alert referents". This first year of reporting on the platform's alerts has enabled us to observe the high expectations of employees concerning the Group's values and the behavior of managers, in line with the messages brought up during the Principles of Conduct and Action day. Beyond the personal situations and sometimes painful, each alert provided to the organization is also a real opportunity to progress. A new communication campaign "SpeakUp @Saint-Gobain" will be conducted in 2022 to continue to encourage employees to speak out. Annual data on the collection of incidents and alerts are published in the Saint-Gobain’s non-financial results (see chapter 4, section 2.2).


End of investigation > Recommendations

Admissibility review

If admissible, investigation

Report an incident


Alert Examiner

Alert Examiner

Alert Examiner




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