Saint-Gobain // Universal Registration Document 2021


An efficient and responsible Group Demonstrate ethics and responsibility


Participation in public debate

Advocacy 1.5.1 Saint-Gobain participates in public debates on the strategic challenges for its business activity and environment. This participation takes place directly, via professional associations, and via global, regional or local alliances. The Group’s advocacy activities aim to constructively feed into discussions and bring together value chain players and stakeholders. Inspired by its purpose “Making the World a Better Home”, Saint-Gobain regularly works on the priority themes of decarbonizing the economy and circularity in the construction sector. For example, in 2021, the Group organized a series of three events ahead of the COP26 conference in Glasgow, with high-level speakers, on the theme of the transformation of the value chain needed to decarbonize the construction sector (see this chapter, section Saint-Gobain and most of its subsidiaries belong to professional associations representing their industry at the national or supranational level. For example, in France, the Group is involved in professional associations representing companies, such as Afep and Medef. Saint-Gobain’s subsidiaries also cooperate with various local associations or organizations involved in regulatory issues, or related to environmental, social, societal or economic issues. The subsidiaries have internal procedures in place to ensure that their participation in associations is recognized and referenced, and that employees who represent them in associations are trained in the rules of antitrust law. The Group ensures proper coordination of the positions taken locally and ensures that these institutional commitments are well known and respected by the countries. As a way of ensuring that it is closely involved in the ongoing national and international debate on the environment and sustainable development, and that it can share its experience in these areas as a manufacturer, Saint-Gobain has been a member of the French association Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE) (businesses for the environment) association since the organization was founded. EpE is a grouping of around 60 major French and international companies representing all sectors of the economy, who are keen to address the environment more effectively in their strategic decisions and in the way they do business. The Group is active in the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). This organization brings together more than 200 companies worldwide that are thinking about and developing solutions for a more sustainable world. In 2021, Saint-Gobain contributed to The Business Case for Circular Buildings report. Advocacy and partnerships related to climate issues are included in the "Net Zero Carbon" roadmap (see this chapter, section 2.1.5). The Group refrains from financing any political party. Multi-stakeholder partnerships 1.5.2 As a member of the United Nations Global Compact, Saint-Gobain regularly reports on its progress in the areas covered by the Compact, to which it adheres at the “GC Advanced” level, i.e ., according to 21 criteria. Pierre-André de Chalendar, Chairman of the Group, is a member of the Board of Directors of Global Compact France. Saint-Gobain also encourages its partners, particularly its

suppliers, to commit to the Global Compact’s ten principles. Likewise, the Group pays particular attention to the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs), so as to make progress in evaluating the real impacts that companies can have in working towards a fairer, more sustainable world. These goals also make possible new multi-stakeholder collaborations, in which companies are engaged locally and globally. This is the case for the following objectives especially: SDG 8: “Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable ■ economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”; SDG 13: “Take urgent action to combat climate change ■ and its impacts”. SDG 17 “Partnerships to achieve the goals”. ■ In September 2020, Saint-Gobain signed the United Nations Global Compact’s call for multilateralism and renewed global cooperation in line with SDG 16 (“Justice, peace and strong institutions”). Finally, the Group is a member of the forum of committed companies with the organization Transparency International France. Thus, Saint-Gobain supports the association’s activities and has committed to rejecting and combating corruption, in all its forms. The Group undertakes to make its best efforts to implement a solid prevention mechanism, inspired by the current best practices of the business world. and sustainable growth Saint-Gobain supports the implementation of ambitious political frameworks to remove technical and financial obstacles and accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy. The recovery plans initiated by governments following the Covid-19 crisis are an opportunity to combine the fight against climate change with economic development actions through such ways as initiatives that promote building renovation and energy efficiency. Indeed, decarbonization of buildings is essential to achieve the greenhouse gas emission reduction targets that governments have set for themselves. The Group is also a member of the campaign Renovate Europe, which aims to promote ambitious energy-related building renovation policies at European level. In 2021, Saint-Gobain supported the report “Renovate2Recover” which analyzes the way in which European recovery plans deal with energy-related renovations in construction, and make recommendations on how to make these policies more effective and sustainable. European regulatory projects related to sustainable finance and in particular taxonomy of sustainable activities are essential instruments for achieving the European Union’s climate objectives, provided that they are guided by scientific criteria and developed in a transparent manner. The Group supports the work of the European Commission and the "sustainable finance" platform to ensure that the ambition developed in the taxonomy and the underlying criteria better reflect the potential and specificities of the business sectors concerned. Actions for green 1.5.3


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