Saint-Gobain // Universal Registration Document 2021

Corporate governance Compensation of the management and governing bodies

Qualitative variable compensation of Executive corporate officers

KPIs at the Board's strategic seminar and during the investor day, and the introduction of a new composite environmental indicator; the finalization of the methodology for quantifying ■ the benefits of the Group's solutions and assessing the overall contribution of the Group's sustainable solutions portfolio: launch and finalization of Solutions for Growth, which serves as a pillar for documenting and concretizing the "solutions" approach of the Grow & Impact plan; regarding safety, after an exceptional improvement in ■ the frequency rate of accidents with and without stoppage of more than 24 hours (TF2) in the first half of 2020, the level of TF2 had deteriorated during the 2021 fiscal year. Awareness-raising efforts, both regular and in response to accidents, have been implemented by Mr. Benoit Bazin. good representation of women on the Executive ■ Committee, with 37.5% women on the Saint-Gobain Executive Committee (the target set in 2020 was 30% women on the Group's Executive Committee by 2025), 25% women on the Executive Committees of the business units by the end of 2021, and continued growth in the number of women among senior managers and more generally among managers; with regard to compliance, the very high percentages ■ of training attendance, the development of the anti-corruption program, the regular briefings of the Executive Committee on compliance issues and the commitment of the management body; validation by the independent third party (OTI) of the ■ methodology and update of the calculation of carbon avoidance, the deployment of the Group's CSR strategy on carbon ("Minimize our footprint & Maximize our impact"), the increase in the availability of renewable energy and the implementation of the Carbon Roadmaps by country. regarding the harmonious development of the Group's ■ new governance: the transition between Mr. Pierre-André de Chalendar ■ and Mr. Benoit Bazin was remarkably smooth and efficient, and the functioning of the new governance is very harmonious (see Chapter 5, Section 1.2.4). human resources management in the context of a ■ return to normal post covid-19 crisis: the implementation of close managerial and social ■ relations, psychological support measures and the flexible working policy in the context of the continuing health crisis; the success of the third me@SG survey, with figures ■ well above the benchmark set by IPSOS; the award for the seventh consecutive year of the ■ "Top Employer Gobal" label, which has only been awarded to 11 companies worldwide.

The Board of Directors, at its meeting of February 24, 2022, on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, set at 97.8% the overall level of achievement of the four qualitative objectives used to determine the variable compensation for 2021 of the Executive corporate officers (namely Mr. Pierre-André de Chalendar, Chairman and Chief executive officer from January 1 to June 30, 2021 and Mr. Benoit Bazin, Chief operating officer from January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021 then Chief executive officer from July 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021), as outlined above. In particular, it took the following main achievements into consideration: regarding the development of a new strategic plan ■ (including in particular a divestment and acquisition component and a digital component) and its presentation to investors: the very good preparation of the new Grow & Impact ■ strategic plan both internally and externally, the recognition of the Capital Markets Day on October 6, 2021 as a real success in terms of both form and substance and the remarkable quality of the plan and its presentation to investors; the very active implementation of the divestment and ■ acquisition program, with 20 divestments completed or signed, representing €2 billion in revenues, and 37 acquisitions completed or signed, representing €2 billion in sales. Significant divestments were carried out with Lapeyre, in Distribution in the Netherlands and Spain, in Sanitaryware/Heating in the United Kingdom, in Pipe in China and in various glass solutions (notably in Germany and Denmark). The most significant acquisitions in 2021 were those of Chryso and GCP. These transactions were well received by the financial markets. Finally, the integration of Continental Building Products continued in 2021, with excellent results; the acceleration of digital in 2021 with, in particular, ■ the creation of a single global IT & Digital team (previously divided between applications in the businesses, and infrastructure at Compagnie de Saint-Gobain), the hiring of a new digital manager who joined the Executive Committee, and the roll-out of digital training, the 387 hires of digital experts, representing 14% of total executive hires in 26 countries and with 31 nationalities, the increase in the number of plants using digital applications, the increase in e-commerce sales within the Group's trading companies, and the increase in the Group's interactions on social media. regarding the implementation of the corporate social ■ responsibility policy: the definition of a non-financial performance ■ barometer with the presentation of a dashboard of



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