Saint-Gobain // Universal Registration Document 2021


An efficient and responsible Group Promoting a healthy, open and engaging work environment

Solid results In 2021, the TRAR was equal to 1.9, which is a slight increase compared to 2020 (1.8), a particularly atypical year due to the health crisis. The general trend remains solid since the TRAR has been divided by four in ten years. 74% of the entities did not declare any occupational accidents, compared with 72% in 2019. The “Millionaires Club” comprises the most exemplary Group sites in terms of safety, with one million hours worked or five years without any accidents involving lost time, including all the individuals present on a site (employees, temporary workers, subcontractors, visitors, etc.). At the end of 2021, a total of 227 sites were in the “Millionaires Club” (compared to 228 at the end of 2020). It values the entities that have the best results and that demonstrate to all that the objective of zero work-related accidents is possible. Among these sites, 85 are “Silver Millionaires” (with ten years without a lost-time accident) and 22 “Gold Millionaires” (with 15 years without a lost-time accident). Despite a significant decline, Saint-Gobain continues to suffer serious and fatal accidents every year. During a dedicated webinar at the beginning of 2022, the Group's Chief Executive Officer reminded all site managers that controlling risky situations is an absolute priority, with a particular focus on immediate actions when risks related to machine safety issues or hazardous energy control of equipment are detected. Additional efforts needed to manage subcontractors and temporary workers Saint-Gobain’s safety commitment applies not only to its employees and temporary staff, but also to subcontractors working on site. Two safety standards, “Management of external businesses” and “Work permits” are in place to manage risks linked to the on-site presence of subcontractors. Two categories of subcontractors are distinguished to adapt action plans to risks: permanent subcontractors, with whom actions can be ■ conducted over the long term and whose results have been included in the Group’s overall results; occasional subcontractors (worksite, maintenance, etc.) ■ for whom a prevention plan must be drawn up in advance, and introduction, control and supervision procedures must be strengthened. Accidents with and without lost time involving occasional subcontractors are recorded and reported. An e-learning course called “External company management” has been made available to the countries and site teams, along with communication tools to raise awareness of the risks linked to the on-site presence of subcontractors. Furthermore, the entire purchasing specialist network will have specific tools to closely monitor this process: information and training, best practices, etc.

When a serious or potentially serious event (SIP for “Serious Injury Potential”) occurs, local management informs their superior. Once the victim has been rescued and immediate correction action has been taken, an in-depth analysis of the accident is conducted, with the aim of determining the root causes (technical, human and organizational factors) and developing an action plan. This analysis is undertaken with the local management and an action plan is approved. The results of the analysis and the key points identified are then shared via the global networks of EHS facilitators, either at an entity or global level, and also with management. Alerts are circulated and shared with other sites, in order to raise awareness among staff about certain risks and to ask the following questions: “Could such an event occur on our site?” or “If so, what can be done to prevent it?”. Sharing information in this way helps to strengthen the action already taken, such as risk assessments for all operations, and the introduction of internal standards. In 2020, the identification of potentially serious events was strengthened thanks to the launch at Group level of a guide on this subject. It is essential to carry out an in-depth analysis, and then implement appropriate measures in order to eliminate the underlying causes of these events, which had limited consequences, but had the potential to cause much more serious damage (such as a fatal accident) if the circumstances had been slightly different. A systematic analysis of all security events reported is carried out at Group level to check whether the SIP classification of an event is correct or should be made if the event has not been identified as such. Safety inspections are organized on all sites according to the SMAT (Safety Management Tool) methodology. These inspections aim to encourage open dialogue with the person visited, on the subject of safety and health, following the observance of work practices by the inspector. The positive points are noted as a priority, as well as any dangerous acts or conditions, which form the subject of an immediate priority action or an action incorporated into an action plan. A guide has been developed to help local teams train visitors and people visited and promote the exchange of best practices. In 2021, 444,574 SMAT visits were carried out in the Group, which represents a ratio of 2.3 visits per employee, temporary worker and permanent subcontractor. Numerous training and information materials and tools have been developed or updated to support local teams in identifying and managing risk situations. For example, the tool "60s to Think" has been adapted to a more modern format and a communication on the concept "Dare to Take Care" has been distributed.


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