Saint-Gobain // Universal Registration Document 2021


An efficient and responsible Group Promoting a healthy, open and engaging work environment

The Group finally has a set of information and precautions as to the use of exoskeletons. A dedicated platform brings together the results of the work and recommendations of the INRS ( Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité - the French national research and safety institute for the prevention of Occupational Accidents and Diseases) and the IFA ( Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung - the institute for occupational health and safety of German social insurance body covering accidents) to cover the use of an exoskeleton for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Safety 4.2.2 Saint-Gobain ensures that all employees on its sites, including temporary workers and subcontractors, have safe working conditions and environments by identifying, reducing and controlling risks. At the highest level, the management has demonstrated its involvement in the development of a culture of safety within the Group. All meetings of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee include safety performance reviews. Operational management is responsible everywhere and guarantees all aspects of safety: objectives, action plans and performance measurement. To underline this commitment, part of managers’ annual variable compensation is based on actions and results in the area of safety. The performance of safety inspections and the application of safety standards are also considered. To build on this result and sustain the overall effort, the TRAR indicator has been included in the criteria for the long-term compensation plan since 2017 (see chapter 5, section 2.4.3).

Lastly, Saint-Gobain actively monitors updates to the European list of candidate substances for authorization or subject to authorization or restriction and anticipates the deadlines for authorization of substances, in order to fulfill its substitution and communication obligations with its customers. In countries outside the European Union, subject to other chemical regulations such as the US Toxic Substance Control Act, the Environmental Protection Act and the chemicals products management plan in Canada, or “China REACH” in China, the Group applies the regulations in force and monitors their evolution. This cross-functional control of the management of chemical susbtances and products is also part of the product innovation and stakeholder information processes, particularly for consumers (see this chapter, section 3.4.2). Noise management and ergonomic factors Saint-Gobain has followed a similar approach in terms of assessing and managing noise in the workplace and ergonomic factors. The “HICE Noise” indicator was rolled out in 2021 (see this chapter, section A noise assessment standard and a guide for implementing technical and individual protection methods are available. A standard for assessing factors that may contribute to the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders and a grid for detecting ergonomic factors were developed in 2021. The ergonomics standard lists the risk factors to be assessed and specifies the method for assessing these risks, in particular on the basis of international standards (for example, EN ISO 14738:2008 and ISO 11228-3). The detection grid is an easy-to-use tool that lists the criteria to be assessed. It aims to identify improvements to be made to a work situation through a before/after rating.


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