Saint-Gobain // Universal Registration Document 2021

Saint-Gobain Today Saint-Gobain in figures

Breakdown of revenue and value added by stakeholder

Dividends paid €728M 4.77%

Operational costs – payments to suppliers €29,212M


Salaries and other personnel compensation €8,296M 54.29%

Portion held for growth €4,332M 28.35%

Taxes and duties €1,001M 6.55%

Sales €44,160M

Added value €15,281M

Interest repayment (incl. IFRS 16 interest) €298M 1.95%

Retirement contributions €610M 3.99%

Investments in local communities €15M 0.10%

CSR indicators and significant events


100 %

Frequency rate for all fatalities, Lost Time and Non-Lost Time accidents involving Saint-Gobain employees, temporary workers and permanent subcontractors.

Saint-Gobain has taken the commitment

of contracts with European partners (51% of purchases) are covered by the Suppliers Charter, 91.3% for non-trade purchases (as compared to 90.6% in 2020).

In 2021, for the fourth consecutive year, Saint-Gobain is included in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index.

Saint-Gobain’s actions in favor of the circular economy have helped avoid the extraction of 9.952 million tonnes of virgin raw materials.

“CARE by Saint-Gobain” social protection program: 88% of employees covered in 2021 (2023 objective: 100%).

to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 : its CO 2 emissions have decreased by 23% (scopes 1 and 2) compared to 2017 (2030 intermediate objective : 33%).

Saint-Gobain’s CSR approach is presented in the Group strategy, chapter 2, section 3.4 as well as in chapter 3.


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