Saint-Gobain // Universal Registration Document 2021


Saint-Gobain Today Saint-Gobain in figures

Non-financial performance 1.4.3 Thanks to its commitment and determination to put social responsibility at the very heart of its strategy, striving for continuous improvement (see chapter 2, Section 3.4), the Group is a leading player in terms of non-financial performance, as evidenced by its presence in various stock market indices, but also the recognition achieved through other rankings and certifications. Stock market indices An essential tool of “sustainable finance”, ESG stock market indices are intended to help build a financial ecosystem capable of accelerating the transition to a sustainable economy, by directing financial flows towards the most virtuous organizations in terms of environmental, social and societal responsibility. Saint-Gobain is included in the following indices:





Launched in March 2021, this first ESG index created by EuroNext at the national level in France brings together 40 companies listed in Paris (selected from the CAC Large 60 companies) which have demonstrated best practices, based on the assessment carried out by the VigeoEiris agency (1) .

Saint-Gobain is listed in several Solactive ESG indices such as: Solactive Euro 50 ESG This index tracks the price movement of the 50 largest companies within the Eurozone that are also member of the Ethibel Sustainability Index Excellence Europe.

Solactive ISS ESG Developed Markets Paris-Aligned Benchmark

The underlying assets are selected to ensure that the portfolio's GHG emissions are aligned with the long-term objectives of the Paris Agreement on global warming and by including only companies that operate in accordance with market standards in terms of responsible business conduct and trade in controversial weapons. The FTSE4Good index series, launched in 2001, uses transparent metrics of environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance to select its constituents, incentivizing companies to improve their sustainability practices.


Saint-Gobain is listed in several MSCI ESG indices such as: MSCI World Climate Change

Index based on the MSCI World Index, aiming to represent the performance of an investment strategy that re-weights securities based upon the opportunities and risks associated with the transition to a lower carbon economy. With the same goal as the World Climate Change Index, described above this index is based on the the MSCI Europe Index. This index represents the performance of the largest 50 stocks by free-float market capitalization from the MSCI Europe Index, that offer products and services that contribute to an environmentally sustainable economy through efficient use of limited global natural resources. Index based on the STOXX Europe 600 index, one of the key benchmarks in Europe, and uses standardized ESG exclusion criteria.

MSCI Europe Climate Change MSCI Europe Select Green 50

STOXX Europe 600 ESG

Other rankings and certifications Index Description Bloomberg Gender Equality Index

Saint-Gobain was included for the year 2021 in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index, a recognized index in the area of diversity and inclusion (2) . The Group is thus one of the 418 companies included.

Climate Change A List CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) is an international non-profit organization created in 2000, which publishes data on the environmental impact of major companies. It is based in the United Kingdom. In 2021, Saint-Gobain is one of the 200 companies included on CDP's Climate Change A List, which is based on the evaluation of 12,000 companies.

Top Employer Global

Each year, the Group submits its human resources practices to the Top Employers Institute, an independent organization that evaluates HR and ethical performance on the basis of a questionnaire followed by audits of practices. In 2021, Saint-Gobain is among the 16 certified companies worldwide. The Group is also recognized as a Top Employer in 38 countries, covering 92% of its employees.

(1) Presentation brochure:*-Index_brochure_v08_1.pdf (2) Presentation:


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