JEAN-FRANÇOIS SAMMARCELLI Independent Director Business address: Sopra Steria Group – 9 bis, rue de Presbourg 75116 Paris – France

Number of shares in the Company owned personally: 100

Date of cooption: 15/04/2010 Date term of office began: 19/06/2012 Date term of office ends: General Meeting to approve the financial statements for the year ended 31/12/2017

Nationality: French

Age: 67

Main positions and appointments currently held p Chairman of the Supervisory Board, NextStage

Listed company

p Director of RiverBank, Luxembourg p Director of Crédit du Nord

p Director of Boursorama p Director of Sogeprom p Member of the Supervisory Board of Société Générale Marocaine de Banques

p Director of Société Générale Monaco p Non-Voting Director of Ortec Expansion Other directorships and offices held during the last 5 years p Advisor to the Chairman of Société Générale p Chairman of the Board of Directors of Crédit du Nord

p Director of Banque Tarneaud p Director of Amundi Group p Permanent representative of SG FSH on the Board of Directors of Franfinance

JESSICA SCALE Independent Director

Number of shares in the Company owned personally: 10

Business address: Sopra Steria Group – 9 bis, rue de Presbourg 75116 Paris – France

Date of first appointment: 22/06/2016 Date term of office began: 22/06/2016 Date term of office ends: General Meeting to approve the financial statements for the year ended 31/12/2017

Nationality: French and British

Age: 55

Main positions and appointments currently held

Listed company

p Chairman of Digitfit p Independent consultant specialising in the challenges posed by the digital transformation Other directorships and offices held during the last 5 years p Not applicable


Number of shares in the Company owned personally: 948

Business address: Sopra Steria Group, Biskop Gunnerus’ Gate 14A 0185 Oslo, Norway

Date of cooption: 21/04/2015 Date term of office ends: General Meeting to approve the financial statements for the year ended 31/12/2017

Nationality: Norwegian

Age: 59

Main positions and appointments currently held

Listed company

p Director of HR & Strategy, Sopra Steria Group Scandinavia p Director of Soderi p Director of the French-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce Other directorships and offices held during the last 5 years p Not applicable



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