CHRISTIAN BRET Non-Voting Director
Number of shares in the Company owned personally: 10
Date of first appointment: 19/06/2012 Date term of office began: 13/06/2017 Term of office ends: General Meeting to approve the financial statements for the year ended 31/12/2017
p Member of the Compensation Committee p Member of the Nomination, Ethics and Governance Committee
Business address: Sopra Steria Group – 9 bis, rue de Presbourg
75116 Paris – France Nationality: French
Age: 77
Main positions and appointments currently held
Listed company
p Director of Altran Technologies
Other directorships and offices held during the last 5 years p Director of Sopra Steria Group
p Director of Econocom Group p Director of Digital Dimension
a. Legal provisions The working procedures of the Board of Directors are governed by Articles L. 225-17 et seq. of the French Commercial Code. The principal mission of the Board of Directors is to determine the strategic directions to be followed by the Company and to oversee their implementation. b. Provisions in the Articles of Association The rules governing the organisation and procedures of the Board of Directors are set forth in Articles 14 to 18 of the Articles of Association, as discussed in Chapter 7, “Additional information”, of this document (pages 240 and 241). The Articles of Association are also available on the Group’s website (“Investors” section). By way of exception to the guidelines of the AFEP-MEDEF Code, the term of office of Directors under the Articles of Association remains six years. The provisions of the Articles of Association setting the term of office of Directors to a maximum of six years, but permitting appointments for shorter periods so that the terms of office of specific Directors may end on the same date where appropriate, were approved by an 85.8% majority of the shareholders at the Combined General Meeting of 27 June 2014. The staggered renewal of terms of office would be aimed at striking the balance between change and continuity in the representation of shareholders and is the subject of a resolution submitted for approval at the General Meeting of 12 June 2018. The maximum term length of six years allows for the re-appointment of one-third of Board members every two years and thus meets the Company’s current requirements. c. Internal rules and regulations of the Board of Directors The Board of Directors’ internal rules were last amended on 12 April 2017 to reflect new corporate governance recommendations, provide additional guidelines and include the code of ethics for Board members, which had previously been issued as a separate document. They define the roles of the Board of Directors, its Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer, and specify the conditions for the exercise of their prerogatives. They also provide that prior approval by the Board of Directors is required for certain decisions “that are highly strategic in nature or that are likely to have a significant impact on the financial position or commitments of the Company or any of its subsidiaries”. This point is discussed in Chapter 7, ”Additional information”, of this document, on page 242. The internal rules and regulations are also available on the Group’s website (Investors section). They also set out the number, purpose and composition of the committees tasked with preparing certain matters for the Board of
Owing to their professional experience as well as activities pursued outside the Company, the members of the Board of Directors have all acquired expertise in the area of management and some of them also have gained expertise in the Company’s industry sector. In addition, to the best of the Company’s knowledge, none has: p any conflict of interest affecting the exercise of his or her duties and responsibilities; p any familial relationship with another member of the Board of Directors, with the exception of Éric Pasquier, who is related to Pierre Pasquier; p any conviction during the last five years in relation to fraudulent offences; p been incriminated and/or been the focus of an official public sanction issued by statutory or regulatory authorities, nor barred by a court from serving as a member a supervisory board, board of directors or other management body of an issuer or from taking part in the management or conduct of an issuer’s business affairs at any point during the past five years; p been involved in any bankruptcy proceedings or been subject to property sequestration during the last five years as a member of a board of directors, a management body or a supervisory board. Furthermore, there are no service agreements binding the members of governing and management bodies to the issuer or to any one of its subsidiaries that provide benefits upon the termination of such agreements. 1.2. Preparation and organisation of the work of the Board of Directors THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, ITS ORGANISATION AND ITS WORKING PROCEDURES The organisation and working procedures of the Board of Directors are governed by law, the Company’s Articles of Association and the Board’s own internal rules. Each of the permanent Board Committees has adopted its own charter approved by the Board of Directors setting forth how it should operate. 1.2.1. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK GOVERNING
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