SOMFY - Annual financial report 2019



was carried out on a selection of contributing entities listed above and covers between 40% and 59% of the consolidated data selected for these tests (59% of energy consumptions and 40% of the workforce); we assessed the overall consistency of the Statement based on – our knowledge of all the consolidated entities. We believe that the work carried out, based on our professional judgement, is sufficient to provide a basis for our limited assurance conclusion; a higher level of assurance would have required us to carry out more extensive procedures. MEANS AND RESOURCES — Our verification work mobilized the skills of four people and was performed between November 2019 and March 2020 for a period of 11 weeks. We conducted several interviews with the individuals responsible for preparing the Statement, representing in particular the Group’s Environment, Human Resources, Health & Safety, Societal Engagement and Health & Safety Departments.

Based on the procedures performed, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the consolidated Non-Financial Statement is not presented in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements and that the Information, taken as a whole, is not presented fairly in accordance with the Guidelines, in all material respects. COMMENT — Without modifying our conclusion and in accordance with Article A. 225-3 of the French Commercial Code, we have the following comment: improvements are still required in the understanding and application of the reporting guidelines and the monitoring of key performance indicators in particular those related to the professional development of employees and the processing of waste.

Paris-La Défense, le 15 avril 2020 Independent Third-Party Body EY & Associés

Christophe Schmeitzky Sustainable Development Partner

Jean-François Bélorgey Partner



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