SOMFY - Annual Financial Report 2020




The various policies are communicated to the Group’s head office and its subsidiaries via coordinators or the local manager. In addition, the Human Resources Department implements the employee-related component of this policy as part of the “Inspiring & Engaging” pillar, in close collaboration with the teams

With the strategic framework Ambition 2030, Somfy is incorporating Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ahead of its strategy in order to make it the foundation for the Group’s sustainable growth. Somfy’s sustainable development strategy is based on three pillars: Planet, People and Prosperity: Planet: limit then reduce the negative effects of operational – processes on the environment; People: ensure that the Group’s activity benefits employees and – other communities; Prosperity: encourage business practices that promote – sustainable growth with little negative impact on the world. The key issues of this policy have been ratified by the Strategy Committee. The Planet pillar involves rolling out the low carbon strategy, maximising user customers’ CO 2 avoided emissions thanks to Somfy products and integrating the circular economy approach. The People pillar involves implementing the “Inspiring & Engaging” pillar which is aimed at both employees and applicants, and more specifically the inclusion and diversity component. Emphasis is also placed on the Group’s contribution in relation to its stakeholders. The Prosperity pillar involves rolling out, alongside financial performance indicators, clear reporting and non-financial indicators to guide the strategy and measure progress. Respect for customers is also a key issue, achieved through continued focus on compliance with product standards and GDPR.

from the Sustainable Development Department. C. SOMFY’S CONTRIBUTION TO SDGS —

Somfy wishes to be an engaged group that contributes at an economic, environmental, social and societal level. By signing the Global Compact, Somfy has undertaken to help achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs provide a shared framework to help make the world a better place. Somfy contributes to them via the three pillars: Planet, People, Prosperity. For more details on SDGs:




D. PROOF OF COMMITMENT — External assessments have validated the progress made within the Group in terms of sustainable development. Somfy features in the top 15 industrial businesses in the 2020 Gaïa Rating dedicated to ESG performance. The non-financial rating of Gaïa Rating assesses companies for investors on their level of transparency and performance according to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria. Somfy achieved a score of 83/100 for 2020, a significant improvement of eight points in relation to 2019. In the sales category, Somfy was ranked 12 th out of the 81 companies assessed. Somfy was also ranked in the top 25% of businesses assessed by EcoVadis, with a score eight points higher than in 2019, earning it silver medal status. The overall EcoVadis score reflects the quality of the company’s CSR management system in the following fields: environmental, social, societal, ethical and responsible purchasing.

Environment Reduce Somfy’s carbon footprint

Social Contribute



positively to the development and well-being of employees and society as a whole


Business Encourage business practices that promote sustainable growth with little adverse impact on the world

B. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOVERNANCE — The Group’s sustainable development policy is led by the Sustainable Development Department, which is attached to the CEO and Chairman of the Management Board, and includes environmental performance and societal commitment, as well as the teams from the Somfy Foundation and the endowment fund, Les Petites Pierres. The Sustainable Development Director chairs the Sustainable Development Operating Committee made up of representatives for each function. He reports on his activities to the Executive Committee twice a year. A member of the Strategy Committee, he also oversees the coordination of this policy with the leaders of the Group’s four strategic pillars. This policy is subject to specific monitoring by the Supervisory Board.



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