QUADIENT - 2019 Universal Registration Document

5 NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE STATEMENT Social, societal and environmental information

Quadient Canada (formerly Neopost Canada) has been part of Canadian Blood Services' Partners for Life program since 2014. This is a national, independent, not-for-profit organization that manages Canada's blood supply system. Other charitable initiatives are undertaken by our employees, such as the Red Door Shelter, a fundraising event to help families in need, and the Helping Hands Food Shelter, a food drive. In England, Quadient Technologies Limited (formerly Neopost Technologies Ltd) supports the "Make a Wish" initiative. This charity grants wishes for children with

critical illnesses. Several fund-raising activities were organized: raising a total of GBP 5,114. In addition, as part of an Internship program, Quadient UK & Quadient International Supply (formerly Neopost Ltd & NISL) worked in association with "Career Ready" and with a local school called Sacred Heart. One of the objectives of the students was to co-ordinate events to raise money for charities of their choice. Several things have been done, for example, an apprenticeship program for graduates, a policy so that employees can take up to two days for voluntary work within the community, including community projects and work with local charities.



Quadient’s main challenges in terms of its customers and partners include customer satisfaction and innovation, as well as reliability, availability, solutions, services and safety of solutions and services. These challenges are addressed from the design of solutions and services offers and are reflected in ambitious objectives, which are monitored regularly. Leverage digital technology and innovation to develop new functionalities for existing solutions and design tomorrow’s solutions Quadient puts innovation at the heart of its strategy. In 2019, the Company devoted 4.7 % of its revenue in innovation, research and development. An Innovation team is dedicated and focused on studying and building new technology and assets that will become the foundation of new activities or transform the existing

ones. Among the leading trends for innovation anticipated to have the largest impact in the coming years are artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, and machine learning technology. The Company is the owner of its trademarks and has about 320 families of patents published. Quadient registered nine patents in 2019. Regular user conferences and workshops enable Quadient to present new technologies and updates to its customers and partners and discuss their needs and expectations. In 2019, the first annual Global Inspire Days Conference took place in Texas, bringing together solution experts, business and IT leaders from diverse industries and countries. The Inspire Days offer technology updates, sharing of experiences and best practices to help customers deliver on their key projects including: improved customer engagement, successful digital transformation, and efficient cross-channel strategy. Organization of several innovation workshops with partners each • year. In 2019, organization of Global Inspire Days: 3 days of conferences • and technical sessions that brought together more than 400 participants in 23 countries. Local Innovation Days took place in 8 cities 2019. • 2019 Results



Innovation with and for partners

Investment in innovation

Innovation culture disseminated among employees Organization of internal workshops and hosting information on the • internet raises employees' awareness of innovation. Investments in innovation and R&D Quadient invested 53.2 million euros in innovation and R&D. • Intellectual property management policy and organization Dedicated in-house intellectual property team. • Patent committee. • Policy rolled-out across all R&D sites. • Patent filling Portfolio of 320 patent families and 9 patent applications filed in • 2019.



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