DECLARATION ON EXTRA-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Reporting Scope, Methodology and cross-reference Tables


Reporting scope 2.7.1.

Unless otherwise stated, Group policy applies to PSA Automobiles SA. This relates to the following topics in particular: workplace health and safety conditions, organisation of social dialogue, especially procedures for informing, consulting and negotiating with personnel, and agreements signed with unions or employee representatives, the training policies implemented, anti-discrimination policy, measures taken in relation to the Group’s local impact, partnerships and philanthropy initiatives, taking social and environmental issues into account in procurement policies. PCMA Automotiv RUS, located in Kaluga in Russia, a joint venture with Mitsubishi Motors Corp., is also included in the scope for societal and environmental reporting, under “automotive”. PCD Automotive Trade Activities: „ These include proprietary dealership network, training centres for network personnel, spare parts warehouses, regional offices and import subsidiary registered offices. The “PCD Automotive Trade Activities” scope is included under the “PCD Automotive Division” heading with respect to HR but are stated separately with respect to the environment. In 2015, the Group acquired Mister Auto, an online website selling spare parts, for which the measurement of CSR impacts deemed significant at Groupe PSA level is progressively included in extra-financial reporting. NOTA - PCD Automotive Division: PCD Automotive Division gathers PCD Automotive Activities (including PSA Automobiles SA) and PCD automative trade activities. the equipment subsidiary: „ Faurecia, a listed company in which Groupe PSA has a 46.3% stake remains fully consolidated because Peugeot S.A. has retained control (63.1% of theoretical voting rights). In accordance with the legal provisions, Faurecia manages its business independently and therefore prepares and publishes its social, environmental and societal indicators in its own Registration Document. “other activities”: „ These now comprise the Peugeot S.A. holding company and Banque PSA Finance (BPF). The social and societal information published in the BPF Registration Document consolidates entities wholly owned by BPF at 31 December 2017. This methodology linked to the BPF consolidation rules, excludes the joint ventures created with Santander from the CSR reporting scope. These joint ventures are listed in the BPF Management Report. In compliance with regulations, quantitative data were reported using cross-functional, comparable indicators when relevant.


The social, environmental and societal information contained in this section fall within the remit of the provisions of Article R. 225-105-1 of the French Commercial Code, as amended by Decree No. 2012-557 of 24 April 2012 in application of Law No. 2010-778 of 12 July 2010 on the national environmental commitment (the “Grenelle 2” Law) which is still applicable, from Article L. 225-102-1 of Order No. 2017-1180 of 19 July 2017 relating to the publication of ESG information by certain large companies and certain groups of companies and Articles R. 225-105 et seq. of the French Commercial Code as amended by Decree No. 2017-1265 of 9 August 2017 in application of the aforementioned Order, as well as the recommendations of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). A cross-reference ratio with GRI indicators may be found at the end of the 2017 CSR Report, published by the Group for its Automotive Division. The reported data concern the production plants, the R&D centres, the main office sites, the Peugeot, Citroën and DS proprietary dealership networks and the logistics platforms of companies fully consolidated within the Group. These data have been consolidated ad relate to the parent company Peugeot S.A., and all of its subsidiaries within the meaning of Article L. 233-1 of the French Commercial Code and its controlled companies within the meaning of Article L. 233-3 of the French Commercial Code, with the exception of the subsidiaries Faurecia, Crédipar, PSA Automobiles SA, Opel and Vauxhall for reasons which are explained in Section 2.1 of the present document. ACTIVITIES INCLUDED IN REPORTING AND DEVELOPMENTS Detailed social, environmental and societal data as well as information on sustainable development initiatives also covers: PCD Automotive Activities (production, research and „ development and tertiary facilities): The “automotive” segment now includes the subsidiaries PSA Automobiles SA, AP/AC, Française de Mécanique, SevelNord, manufacturing sites outside France, R&D facilities and tertiary facilities in France. Among the automotive subsidiaries, only PSA Automobiles SA has the obligation to publish its detailed environmental and social data. They are available in this Registration Document.



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