DECLARATION ON EXTRA-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Report by an independent third-party Body included in the Management Report
For the remaining consolidated CSR Information, we assessed its consistency based on our understanding of the company. We also assessed the relevance of explanations provided for any information that was not disclosed, either in whole or in part. We believe that the sampling methods and sample sizes we have used, based on our professional judgement, are sufficient to provide a basis for our limited assurance conclusion; a higher level of assurance would have required us to carry out more extensive procedures. Due to the use of sampling techniques and other limitations inherent to information and internal control systems, the risk of not detecting a material misstatement in the CSR information cannot be totally eliminated. Conclusion Based on the work performed, no material misstatement has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the CSR Information, taken as a whole, is not presented fairly in accordance with the Guidelines. Nature and scope of work Regarding the information selected (1) by the company, we undertook work of the same nature as those described in paragraph 2 above for the CSR Information considered the most important, but in a more in-depth manner, in particular in relation to the number of tests. The sample selected (2) represents 26% of headcount between 31% and 46% of quantitative environmental information selected. We consider that this work allows us to express a reasonable assurance opinion on the information selected by company. Conclusion In our opinion, the information selected by the company has been established, in all material aspects, in compliance with the Guidelines. 3. REASONABLE ASSURANCE ON A SELECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION
Neuilly-sur-Seine, March 12, 2018
Original French report signed by: L’Organisme ATiers Indépendant Grant Thornton Membre français de Grant Thornton International
Gilles Hengoat Associé
Environmental quantitative information: water use; overall energy consumption; scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions (GHG); VOC (1) emissions from paint shop facilities; total weight of waste by type (non-hazardous waste and hazardous waste). Social quantitative information: number of employees under permanent or fixed-term contract ; total management lost-time accident frequency rate (TF1 Management); severity rate. Qualitative information: supplier self-assessment results; number of suppliers evaluated by an external body (ECOVADIS); CSR supplier performance evaluated by an external body (ECOVADIS). For social and environmental information: Caen; Mangualde; Poissy; Rennes; Sept Fons; Valenciennes; Vélizy; Vigo. (2) For environmental information only: Porriño import subsidiary; Peugeot Citroën Retail Chantepie; Peugeot Citroën Retail Rennes; Peugeot Citroën Retail Vigo.
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