Diversity and equal opportunity 2.4.5.

Preventing all forms of discrimination, bullying and violence in the workplace The Group condemns all infringements of respect for individual rights and dignity, verbal or physical abuse, harassment, workplace violence and discrimination. This type of behaviour is liable to sanctions and specific measures have been set in every country to prevent it. Employees are regularly informed about these policies and a large number of managers have participated in awareness raising campaigns. Whistleblowing schemes are in place for employees who experience or witness bullying, discrimination or violence in the workplace. They can thus alert a specific person in charge of diversity and/or harassment issues. A centralised system offering guarantees of confidentiality and neutrality, based on two email addresses, and, provides another means for remedying and handling situations involving bullying or discrimination. A standard handling and tracking procedure aligned with the local legal framework has been introduced in every host country. When a problem is identified, the information is reported to the Human Resources Department and a review is conducted. In 2017, 44 cases of harassment, discrimination and violence in the workplace were handled via this procedure. GENDER EQUALITY DPEF.12 For 15 years, Groupe PSA has taken a proactive approach to promoting diversity and gender equality in its workplace, making it a source of added value and economic performance. Subscribing to the Women’s Empowerment Principles offers an internationally recognised standard and applies to all Group companies in all countries. Achievement is measured in various countries to identify new actions for progress and promote best practices. The Group has analysed issues with regard to its traditionally male industry and has made employing more women in its business lines and key positions a decisive objective of its responsible and sustainable development strategy. From this work, the Group has formulated structured action plans centred on three topics: gender equality in the professions „ human resources processes to guarantee equal opportunities „ access of women to higher levels of responsibility „ Groupe PSA has been committed to stamping out sexism and violence against women for a long time. On an international scale, the global framework agreement on social responsibility has been applying best practices in this area since 2006 and declares that the Group does not tolerate sexism. In France, the agreement on equal opportunities introduced a whistleblowing system for harassment, in particular by means of a dedicated e-mail address It also includes provisions relating to the support of employees who are victims of domestic abuse. In Spain, a specific company agreement was signed on this subject.

For Groupe PSA, cultural and employee diversity is a source of added value and economic performance provided equal opportunity is ensured. By encouraging equal opportunity and founding its practices on objective criteria based on skills and results, the Group is encouraging the commitment and motivation of each employee and developing a culture of performance and economic efficiency. This societal challenge concerns all the Group’s host countries. Stakeholders were included in this commitment through the signing of a global framework agreement on corporate social responsibility which sets out non-discrimination and equal treatment rules. All stakeholders are thus involved in practising inclusive management, taking skills into account in hiring and career development, recognising merit and preventing all forms of discrimination and intolerance towards differences. In signing up to the Women’s Empowerment Principles in 2016, a UN and UN Women’s initiative, the Group is pursuing this responsible approach worldwide to adopt better standards and promote best practices in terms of gender equality and equal opportunities between men and women. PROMOTING DIVERSITY FOR SOCIAL COHESION AND PERFORMANCE DPEF.14 Groupe PSA voluntarily formalised its actions in favour of diversity in its social dialogue. On an international scale, the global framework agreement on social responsibility is committed to exceeding local legal requirements in applying and promoting the fight against racism, sexism, xenophobia and homophobia and, more generally, against intolerance of differences and ensuring respect for privacy. An agreement on diversity and social cohesion signed on 8 September 2004 was renewed on 21 May 2015. It reasserts the Company’s intention to ensure equal treatment of all, based on objective criteria such as skills and results, combating prejudice and preventing discrimination, direct or indirect, conscious or not, in particular as regards the actual or presumed origins of persons. The agreement associates employee representatives through shared principles and ensures that commitments are fulfilled. The hiring channels are diversified, in particular in building partnerships with academic organisations and state employment services, developing online job offers and using social networks to reach a wider public. The Group strives to ensure that no stages in the hiring process are discriminatory. A best practice guide is given to recruiters and a service agreement concluded with line managers involved in recruitment, setting out the assessment procedures. Candidates are selected objectively using tools such as the simulation recruitment method (MRS). The Group contributes to the formulation of public policies put in place in various countries to promote diversity and prevent workplace discrimination. In France, in 2009, the Group was one of the first French companies to obtain the Diversity label in recognition of the Group’s human resources policy and best practice in promoting diversity, equal opportunity and preventing discrimination. This label is awarded after a demanding certification process conducted by AFNOR Certification via an on-site audit. It was re-issued in 2012 and again in February 2018. Similarly, in Spain, the Group was awarded the Diversidad label in 2009 and again in 2012 and 2015.



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