INDUSTRIAL WASTE AND POLLUTANTS: MANAGING THE IMPACTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND LOCAL RESIDENTS Controlling atmospheric emissions DPEF.18 The processes put in place in automotive manufacturing use chemical products, and the Group is seeking to limit their use and impact. Volatile organic compounds Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are monitored, and an action plan is created to reduce their emissions. Within the PCD Automotive Division, even though overall emissions of VOCs from the Group’s paintshop facilities are marginal compared with the total VOCs discharged into the atmosphere in France (less than 1% of France; source CITEPA: Emissions inventory of atmospheric pollutants and GHG in France 2014, or 689 kt), they nonetheless constitute the major environmental challenge with regard to emissions on a site-by-site basis. The strategy for reducing these emissions is being deployed in four areas, using Best Available Technologies:

optimising paint shops by using equipment with higher „ application efficiency to reduce the use of conventional paints and related solvents, by selecting low-solvent paints and by recycling used solvents; designing low-emission paint shops in the new plants by „ manufacturing a narrower range of products (reducing the primer stage); installing air treatment equipment that incinerates VOCs on site „ when necessary; encouraging the sharing of experience and best practices among „ Group plants. This action plan has helped the Automotive Division both to reduce VOC emissions by vehicles in the Group’s auto body painting facilities by 66% since 1995 and, for each plant, to comply with the limits set by chapter on VOCs in Directive No. 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions, which was repeated from the VOC Directive that entered into force in 1999. Continued systematic implementation of the best technologies at cost-effective prices is enabling the Group to steadily improve its performance. VOC emissions per vehicle produced have been below 3kg since 2013.

VOC Emissions from paintshop facilities Nota: VOC emissions from paintwork and presses (emissions attributable mainly to separating agents) are determined by a material balance method compliant with the principles of the 1999/13/EC Directive.

Ratio (in kg vehicle produced)



(in tonnes)

PCD Automotive Activities

2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015

6,139 5,506 5,354 1,975 1,617 1,610 1,933 1,638 2,655 8,072 7,144 8,009

2.82 2.70 2.69 1.98

o/w PSA Automobiles SA

1.78 1.77



Other regulated atmospheric pollutants In addition to limiting CO 2 emissions as described above, the gradual replacement of conventional high-sulphur fuel oil with low-sulphur fuels and natural gas has helped to substantially reduce worldwide sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ) emissions from the Group’s power plants. Since 2012 and the permanent elimination of fuel oil usage, SO 2 emissions are marginal and lower than 5 tons per year. At the same time, nitrogen oxide (NO x ) emissions have also declined sharply thanks to improvements in thermal power stations, and the choice of fuels (natural gas as a substitute for fuel oil). VOC consumption remains below 400 tons per year, and the emissions are evenly distributed over all the sites, generating a very limited local impact.

For the PCD Automotive Trade in 2017, VOC emissions increased as a ratio compared with 2016. The success of commercial vehicles, which have a higher area of sheet metal and paintwork than passenger cars, and the launching of new vehicles with larger areas are among the major reasons for this increase, together with the heavy demand for two-tone vehicles. On the other hand, the deployment of the best technology available, such as the robotisation of interior outfitting, is continuing at Vigo, but the progress achieved in integrating these best practices is masked by trial launches of new models (Berlingo/Partner) generating increased consumption of VOCs during the development phases involved.



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