PSA - 2019 Universal Registration Document

DECLARATION ON EXTRA-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Human resources: driving Groupe PSA transformation

Partnerships and sponsors 2.3.4. to promote local community development  DPEF.31   DPEF.33   DPEF.43  Groupe PSAis firmly convincedthat mobility is a global societal challenge and a fundamental right, as a cause of autonomy, progressand innovation.Groupe PSAcommitment is demonstrated throughthe actionsof its CorporateFoundationand deepenedby the discussionsthat take placewithinthe Laboratoirede la Mobilité inclusive . Themobilityaccessexperimentsconductedalso allowthe Groupto explore new, more inclusive business models. Through its Foundation, the Group supports actions to remove obstacles to mobility for fragile or precarious groups, promote social integration,strengthensocial ties, expand access to culture and education.Some of the projects supportedcontributeto the fight against precariousness, which leads to lack offood. Detailedinformationis availablein Section 8.3.3of the Group’sCSR Report oron the Fondation PSAwebsite:

the Group addresses all tax matters with integrity and 2. transparency.It strives to maintain constructivepartnerships with the tax authoritiesas this can result in the more timely resolutionof any disputes.Tax legislationand proceduresare, however, complex areas: when it is not possible to resolve a disagreementwith the tax authoritiesquicklyand professionally, the Groupuses all the availableremediesto assertits rightsand its interpretation of the law; in all the countrieswherethe Groupoperates,it managesits tax 3. matters ina pro-activemanner: it does not use contrived or abnormal structures that are n intendedfor tax avoidance,have no businessjustification(tax haven) anddo notmeetthespiritof localor international law, it strives to meet a two-fold objective: increases the values n createdfor its shareholdersand complyfully with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements in line with stakeholder expectations; the Group’sfiscal policyalso atteststo its responsibility. It pays 4. the taxes and duties legally due in the countrieswhere direct economic value is created within the normal course of its industrialor commercialactivity. Consequently,all transfersof goods and services among Group companies are conducted underarm’slengthconditions.Thepricesof theseoperationsare based on market conditionsand reflect the commercialnature of transactions. For more details on the Group tax organizational structure, see of CSR Report.


To engagean agile co-constructionof the Company’sfuture,Groupe PSArelieson an activedialoguewith employeerepresentatives. It is committedto protect employees’ health andsafetyin theworkplace tounleash the full potential of their talents.

Social dialogue 2.4.1.


Basedon a responsiblerelationshipbuilt on trust and transparency, quality social dialogue developed within Groupe PSAhelpsreconcile economic performanceand social performanceby implementing the most suitableand pragmaticsolutions.This ability is held as a competitiveadvantagefor the Group,in an increasinglydemanding environment. The Group acknowledges the central role of unions in the Company’s social dialogue and cohesion. It actively supports employee freedom of association and representation and is committedto respectingthe independenceand pluralismof unions at all its facilitiesand implementsan active collectiveagreements policy.99%of employeesare representedby unionsor by employee representatives.Employee representation is part of the Group governance (see 3.1.2).

Groupe PSA is committedto drivinga collectiveagreementspolicy based on a sound understandingof the Company,which looks for innovative solutions and shows its capacity to conciliate the Company’s economic and social priorities. In 2019, 177 Company agreements were concluded. Worldwide,94% of Group employeesare coveredby a collective bargaining agreement at sectorial and/orCompany level. Each industrialsite has its own site project aiming for sustainable performance,supported by a performancecollective agreement co-constructed with unions’ representatives.



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