PSA - 2019 Universal Registration Document



GHG emissions from renewable sources (CO 2 eq.)*

Total GHG emissions in CO 2 eq. (Scope 1 + Scope 2)

Direct GHG emissions in CO 2 eq. (Scope 1)

Indirect GHG emissions in CO 2 eq. (Scope 2)


CO 2

N 2 O CH 4

(unit: tonnes)

Automotive Activities

2019 842,656 35.67 58.64 853,715

5,853 326.026 1,179,741

2018 845,348 35.74 58.73

857,661 13,686 20,352 130,322 120,466


416,827 1,274,488

Automotive Trade

2019 2018 2019 2018

13,496 0.57 0.90


23,933 39,468

20,072 0.85




612,658 742,980

118,796 5.07





2019 856,152 36.24 59.54 997,723 2018 984,216 41.66 67.65 998,479

5,853 948,931 1,946,654

5,693 1,032,270 2,030,749 Greenhouse gas emissions from the combustion of biomass (wood at the Vesoul site) are not included in direct emissions in accordance * with the GHG Protocol guidelines. GHG emissions expressed in tonnes of CO 2 eq. are calculated by applying coefficients (global warming powers) of, respectively, 298 for N 2 O and 21 for CH 4 (source: IPCC Reports, 2006 and 1995 respectively). Indirect emissions are calculated based on the purchase of electricity and steam in compliance with emissions factors obtained from steam suppliers and by using the same factors as the year before for electricity.

Participation in the CO2 emission allowance scheme TheGroupqualifiesfor the CO 2 emissionallowanceschemeset up in applicationof EuropeanUnionDirectiveNo. 2003/87/EC, amended, on greenhousegasemissionstrading,dueto its combustionactivities withinitsmainunits(heatingandprocesses)on theonehandand,on the otherhand,to its castingactivities.As regardsthe thirdphaseof the CO 2 emissionallowanceschemescheduledfrom 2013 to 2020, 14 facilities are involved in this regulation (Sochaux, Mulhouse, Rennes,Poissy,Vesoul,SevelNordand Sept-Fons in France;Madrid, Vigo and Zaragoza in Spain; Luton and Ellesmere Port in UK; Rüsselsheim andEisenach in Germany). From 1 January2015, pursuantto an EU decision,the Automotive divisionhas beenincludedin the list of sectorsexposedto a carbon leakage risk,which includes a revised allocation of free quotas. The scorecard showing quotas for and emissions from the above-mentioned 14 sites wasas follows: the deficit is only linked with emission from cogenerationplants which donot receiveanyfree allocation.

The above data take into account all emissionsfrom Groupe PSA facilities worldwide,and in particularincludes emissionsfrom the cogenerationplants for their total emissions. Three OV facilities operatecogenerationplants,and the emissionof these installations are integratedin the abovescope 1data. Part of the electricityand steam producedby these facilitiesare sold to externalcustomers. The amount of energy sold represents 146,668 tonnesof CO 2. Anotherpart of this electricityproducedby one of the cogeneration plants feeds also other OV plants, and the emissions linked are 18,690 tonnesof CO 2 . It couldalso be mentionedthat the electricity productionby cogeneration fromgas emits less CO 2 per MWh than theelectricityprovidedbyexternalsuppliers. The improvementof total emissions,in absolutebut also in relative valueat 341 kg/carcomparedto 372 lastyear,is directlylinkedwith Scope 2 emission reduction, and most precisely with electricity emission.This progressis due to green electricitysupplyin Madrid and Zaragoza,for two third of the result, and the last third part comesfromhigh volumesof productionin Frenchplantswherethe electricity isverylow in carbon. The use of renewableenergies in 2019 was 23% of the electricity purchasedby the Groupthroughoutthe world. The AutomotiveTrade data provided in the previous table was reported from the same percentage of sites as for energy consumption (see The share of renewable energy consumed is 20.23%. CO 2 emission from energy use decrease slightlydue to the importantactivityin France,where electricityis widely fromnuclear source. For Faurecia , due to a changein calculationmethodology,detailed emissionfor CO 2 , N 2 O andCH 4 is no longerprovided.

Allowances (quotas)

Emissions* (tonnes of CO 2 )


2019 2018

527,322 553,543


668,653 Sum of verified Groupe PSA emissions and theoretical emissions * related to purchased steam, for which the Group receives allowances.



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