PSA - 2019 Universal Registration Document


The Gasoline Particulate Filter (GPF): the onlytechnologywhich is effective in all of the vehicle’s operating conditions The second stage of Euro 6 imposes a tougher limit in terms of numberof particlesfor direct-injectiongasolinevehicles(samelimit as diesel engines) and a new constraintconsisting in a emission reductionin real drivingconditions. To comply with the second stage of Euro 6, in addition to optimisinginjectionsystems,in October 2017the Groupintroduced a particulatefilter system(GasolineParticulateFilter) with passive regeneration to reduce the number and mass of particulate emissionsin its direct-injectiongasoline engines. Thissolution,which will be rolled out to all direct-injectiongasolineengines,eliminates more than 75% (in number)of all particulatematter,both fine and ultra-fine, whatever the drivingconditions. In 2019, the direct-injectiongasoline vehicles equippedwith GPF accounted for91%of all direct-injection gasolinevehiclessold. Finally, Groupe PSAhas decidedto launch an evolutionof its GPF which still increases its efficiency of about ten points to reach around85% (in number)with an additionaldecreaseof the number of tailpipeparticulatesof about40%moreas a result.Thisevolution has been launched from 2019 on some 1.2l gasoline engine and PHEV vehicles and progressivelyextended to a big part of the Groupe PSAproduction. An even more performantfilter, with a better trade-off between filtrationefficiencyand counterpressure,is under developmentto bettertake into accountnew constraintsresultingfrompowertrain electrificationand to further reduce ultrafine particles. SelectiveCatalytic Reduction (SCR): the mostefficient solutionfor reducingnitrogen oxides for diesel engines The SCR after-treatment echnologysubstantiallyreducesnitrogen oxide (NO x ) emissions by injecting a reducing agent (AdBlue ® : a mixture of 32.5% urea and 67.5% water) into the exhaust line upstream a specific catalyst. Integrated into new emission control architecture upstream the particulate filter, SCR helps to optimise fuel efficiency and CO 2 emissions ofdieselengines. To meet the requirements of the second stage of Euro 6, Groupe PSA has developed a new after-treatmentarchitecture which enables its diesel engines to treat more efficiently the nitrogen oxides in addition to the particulates,carbon monoxide and the unburnedhydrocarbons.This new BlueHDi line has been fitted as standardon all new vehicleswith 1.5l diesel enginesfrom October 2017. Previously,AdBlue ® was scheduledto be replenished in Groupe PSA vehicles during maintenancework at the frequencystated in the servicemanual.From now on, to improvethe performanceof the Group’snewvehicles,(secondstageEuro 6vehicles),fillingup with AdBlue ® will be made easier through the use of an orifice that is conveniently placed in the fueltank flap.

In 2019, vehicles with BlueHDi line represented 93% of diesel vehiclesfitted withDPF. TheBlueHDitechnology is the subjectof approximately 100 patents filedby Groupe PSA.TheGroupcontinuesto refineits technologies, notablywith the introductionof an ASC (AmmoniaSlip Catalyst) downstreamthe SCR system.The ASC treatsammonialeaks (NH 3 ), therebyincreasingits efficiencyin eliminatingNO x emissionstreated by the upstreamSCR system. This technologyhas been launched on commercialvehicles from 2018 and has been rolled out to all dieselpassengervehiclesfromend of 2019 (thirdstageof Euro 6– Euro 6d-ISC-FCM). Three-Way-Catalyst (TWC): the most effective solutionto reducegaseouspollutants for gasoline engines To fulfil more and more stringent regulations,Groupe PSAworks intensivelyto improve current TWC system equipping its vehicles: development of new active coatings (Precious Metals and n chemical composition optimizations) to improve conversion efficiency after the engine start in urban conditions and to increase thedurability of the after-treatment system; reduction of the thermal inertial of the substrate to eliminate n pollutants just after the engine start; finally, development,thanks to new performinggas sensors, of n patentedspecificstrategiesto insureoptimizedtemperatureand richnessconditions to improve the TWCsystemfunctioning. Fuel vapour emissions limitation All the vehiclesproducedby Groupe PSAsince 2005 are equipped withan activecharcoalfilter(namedcanister),connectedon the fuel tank.Thisdeviceis ableto catchthe fuelvapoursemittedby the fuel tank during the parkingphases,avoidingthe atmospherepollution by VolatileOrganicCompounds (VOC) contained in thefuelvapours. Eachtimethe engineis started,the fuelvapourskeptby the canister are suckedandare usedcomplementary to the fuel of the tank.This systemhas the doubleefficiencyto avoidpollutionand to sparethe vapours whichwould be lost by evaporation. Groupe PSAhas chosento enlargethe canistersize and to optimize the fuel tank and enginedesignin order to improvethe protection against the VOC emissions. These improvements lead to an importantreductionof the evaporativeemissions(ratio near from 50% comparedto the previoustechnicaldefinition)and have been put in forceby Groupe PSAon newvehiclesof Europeanmarketat the end of year 2017, so 2 years before application date of Euro 6d-TEMP-EVAP-ISC.



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