NEOPOST - 2018 Registration document


Non-financial performance statement

Social, societal and environmental information

Diversity and respect for equal opportunities The Group’s growth is tied up in the diversity and complementary skills of its staff. Neopost is proud of the multiculturalism of its teams, and relies on them to encourage innovation, creativity and collaboration. It offers equal employment opportunities to all staff and candidates. The Group does not allow any discrimination related to age, race, gender, ethnic or social origin, nationality, language, religion, state of health, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, political or philosophical opinion, veteran status or otherwise, membership of a trade union, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws and regulations.

To accelerate the feminization of its governing bodies, the Neopost group has set itself the goal of having women present on the Executive Committee by the 2019 financial year.


26.6% Of managers are women



Board of directors: 40% women at the end of 2018 • At 31%, the number of women in the Neopost group is relatively stable. • At the end of the 2018 finacial year, women managers account for 26.6% of the total • number of managers. Employment rate of people with disabilities at Group level: 1.4%. • Employment rate of people with disabilities in France: 2.9%. • Staff over 55 years of age account for 18.7% of the Group’s total workforce. • Millennials represent 24% of the workforce. •

Feminization of the governing bodies

Gender equality

Employment of people with disabilities

Employment of seniors

Employment of millennials

Diversity at Neopost USA In 2009, Neopost USA, which has been proactive in this regard, established a Diversity Council responsible for promoting diversity in the workplace. All Neopost USA staff also take part in a training course entitled "Respectful Workplace Training". As a contractual partner of the US Government, each year the Company also draws up a positive discrimination plan. With this in mind, all Neopost USA sites with more than 50 employees focus first and foremost on diversity in recruitment. A whistle-blowing procedure is in place at Neopost USA so that staff can confidentially report issues related to discrimination.

Support for people with disabilities by Neopost AG

Neopost AG in Switzerland continues to support people with disabilities. For example, it outsources some tasks, such as consumables order fulfilment or certain warehousing tasks to the ESPAS Foundation. This foundation works to promote the social and economic integration of people whose health prevents them from playing a full role in the workplace. Its primary aim is the successful integration of men and women with a physical or mental disability. ESPAS offers commercial and industrial outsourcing opportunities for companies, institutions and other organizations. In total, 94 employees with disabilities are part of the workforce and the Group seeks to facilitate their hiring and integration by offering adapted workstations where necessary.



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