NEOPOST - 2018 Registration document


Non-financial performance statement

Independent verifier’s report on the Statement on non-financial performance information


Social Information

Quantitative Information (including key performance indicators)

Qualitative Information (actions or results)

Share of employees with permanent contracts Turnover rate of employees Number of training hours Share of staff who have attended at least one training Absenteeism rate related to work accidents with time off work

Talents attraction and retention Strengthening employee engagement Human capital development Life quality and well-being at work Diversity and equal treatment Security of employees' personal data

Share of women in the Group Share of women managers

Societal Information

Quantitative Information (including key performance indicators)

Qualitative Information (actions or results)

Customer satisfaction rate of the Mailing and Documents Systems and Quadient Solutions activities Innovation and R & D expenditure Availability rate of Quadient cloud solutions and digital solutions for SME Rate of deployment of the code of ethics in Group entities Number of ISO 27001 certified entities Share of evaluated suppliers meeting the requirements of the Supplier Code of Conduct Number of patents registered The amount of hazardous and non-hazardous industrial waste produced The share of recycled waste The amount of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) produced Energy consumption Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2) Quantitative Information (including key performance indicators)

Innovation and sustainable product design Reliability of the products of the ranges of franking and mailing machines Availability of digital solutions Customer satisfaction Prevention and fight against fraud and corruption Actions taken for GDPR compliance Responsible procurement policy Respect for intellectual property rights

Environmental Information

Qualitative Information (actions or results)

Eco-design and remanufacturing of products Waste recycling Actions taken to reduce the carbon footprint



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