NEOPOST - 2018 Registration document


Non-financial performance statement

Independent verifier’s report on the Statement on non-financial performance information

Means and resources Our verification work mobilized the skills of five people and took place between November 2018 and April 2019 on a total duration of intervention of about 5 weeks.

We conducted six interviews with the persons responsible for the preparation of the Statement.

Conclusion Based on our work, we have not identified any significant misstatement that causes us not to believe that the non-financial statement complies with the applicable regulatory provisions and that the Information, taken together, is fairly presented, in compliance with the Criteria. Comments Without qualifying our conclusion above and in compliance with the provisions of Article A. 225-3 of the French Commercial Code (Code de Commerce) , we draw your attention to the following points: Given the recent adoption of a new Group strategy integrating CSR at the beginning of 2019, some objectives still need to be • defined for certain policies, particularly for "Innovative and Sustainable Solutions" and "Major Services Interruption" stakes.

Paris-La Défense, 26 th April 2019

French original signed by:

ERNST & YOUNG et Associés

Eric Duvaud

Jean-François Bélorgey

Partner, Sustainable Development




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