NATIXIS - 2018 Registration document and annual financial report


The progress achieved by Natixis was recognized by certification body AFNOR, which granted Natixis “Professional Equality” certification in early 2017. A renewal audit will be performed in 2019. In terms of training, Natixis has set up two talent development programs for its female employees: “Réussir sa carrière au féminin” (achieving success in your a career as a woman) for managers and experienced executives. 296 female employees of Natixis in France have participated in the program since its launch, including 43 in 2018; “Progresser au féminin” (moving forward in your career as a a woman) for female technical staff, with the aim of giving them the keys to defining their career path, confirming their ambitions and developing their leadership skills. 143 female employees of Natixis in France have participated in the program since its launch, including 43 in 2018. Shadowing Day was held once again in 2018, allowing 20 female students from business and engineering schools to shadow a female mentor and see what a typical working day at Natixis is like. This event aims to promote jobs in finance among these young women and to attract them to positions that are still mostly held by men. International Women’s Day provides Natixis the opportunity every year to raise awareness by organizing conferences and testimonials on gender equality in the different countries in which it operates. Accordingly, on March 8, 2018, Natixis broadcast a series of videos showing portraits of women to showcase the careers of women who stand out for their expertise and success in positions often held by men.

Diversity and equal opportunities As a signatory of the diversity charter, Natixis is committed to preventing discrimination in every form and at every stage of Human Resources management, including recruitment, training, and management of its employees’ careers. With the support of a dedicated diversity and disability management team, and a network of contacts in the business lines, it has established a policy designed to capitalize on the diversity of profiles, experience and skills in its employee base. In 2018, Natixis focused on continuing its initiatives to promote diversity in four key areas: gender equality in the workplace, cooperation between older and young employees, and the integration and retention of employees with disabilities. Gender equality in the workplace Natixis sets gender equality targets in its New Dimension strategic plan, (women accounting for 20% of members of the Senior Management Committee, 30% of Global Leaders—inner leadership circle, 40% among Purple Leaders—extended leadership circle). These objectives were applied in the business lines in 2018. Within the scope of Natixis France, seven companies have established a collective bargaining agreement on gender equality in the workplace. Within the scope of Natixis S.A., an agreement calls for the implementation of concrete initiatives centered on six priorities: hiring and employment, compensation and equal pay, career development and promotions, professional training, the work/life balance and parenting, and communication and awareness-raising.


2018 Key Events Natixis rises up the SBF 120 ranking of gender equality in corporate management bodies Natixis improved its position in the SBF 120 ranking of gender equality in management bodies in 2018, reaching 46 th position—ahead of its main competitors. The ranking is published each year by the French Ministry of Women’s Rights in partnership with Ethics & Boards and Challenges, based on criteria covering the presence of women in management bodies (Board of Directors, Executive Committee) and the Company’s gender equality policy. It also takes into account the presence of women in the Company’s top 100 positions. Natixis takes part in the Marie-Claire think tank on equality Natixis joined this Think-Tank organized by Marie-Claire magazine and associated to the Connecting Leaders Club, which brings together personalities from the world of business, media, and culture around the theme of equality. Various meetings on many topics have been organized to discuss and structure proposals for concrete actions for public and private decision-makers.

Natixis’ senior management supports the Women in Natixis Network (Winn), which promotes equality in management at Natixis in France and internationally (Algeria, Americas, Dubai, London, Milan and Madrid—the latest city to join Winn in October 2018), and coordinates a network on different aspects of personal and professional development. This organization is sponsored by François Riahi, Chief Executive Officer of Natixis. In 2018, Winn opened to men who can now participate in events and actively support the promotion of gender equality at Natixis. The network had over 1,000 members in 2018 (including 372 in France).

Other noteworthy initiatives promoting gender equality around the world: Natixis London works with We are the City and Gender Network to share best practices on gender equality. In Milan, Natixis belongs to a network promoting women’s access to management positions (ValoreD). In the Asia-Pacific region, Natixis refers to diversity and equal opportunity in all its handbooks and in its induction process. The DANA (Diversity at Natixis) initiative was launched with a major campaign to raise employee awareness and apply an internal diversity charter. Natixis Hong Kong is involved in the HeforShe program with the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce.


Natixis Registration Document 2018

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