NATIXIS - 2018 Registration document and annual financial report

6 NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE REPORT Employee mobilization Throughout 2018, Natixis continued its efforts to improve quality of life in the workplace via the Work & Life at Natixis program, focused on its four objectives: ensuring conditions that enable employees to deliver high-quality work, improving the quality of relations and cooperation, improving well-being in the workplace, and better addressing the human aspects of transformation projects. Employees’ perception of quality of life in the workplace improved in 2018, with an average score of 6.7/10 (versus 6.3 in 2016) in the Employee Opinion survey. Natixis continued rolling out its telecommuting program in France, with more than 5,000 telecommuters at end-December 2018, or 41% of Natixis employees in France. A new agreement signed in 2018 renewed most of the existing terms while relaxing eligibility rules and the terms of application. The satisfaction rate among participating employees is very high (over 98%) both in terms of

their well-being and their performance. Managers have also provided very positive feedback on the homeworking system with a satisfaction rate over 90%. Other initiatives to improve well-being in the workplace continued with, for example, the opening of a new concierge service at the Austerlitz office following the one opened in Charenton in 2017. The international offices also organized several initiatives, for example, wellness/health days or wellness weeks were organized throughout the EMEA region during the year. Natixis also signed the Cancer@work charter, undertaking to provide better support to employees suffering from cancer or a chronic illness.

2018 Key Events The right to disconnect after hours

In June 2018, Natixis signed an agreement on the right to disconnect after hours to encourage reasonable use of digital devices. All employees are reminded that they are not obliged to log on or reply to queries outside their normal working hours. This principle is reiterated automatically in all internal e-mails.

Natixis S.A.’s offices and all eligible subsidiaries (those with more than 50 employees) have a CHSCT which, in cooperation with Management and occupational healthcare services, plays an active role in all areas that involve health, safety and working conditions. Various initiatives, such as preventive campaigns organized by Natixis’ staff physician and provision of a 24/7, 365-day-a-year psychological support service available from the office or home, are in place to improve health and well-being in the workplace. Internal mediation In 2018, Natixis rolled out an internal mediation service to resolve staff conflicts. Employees were trained in mediation techniques by the French Mediation Institute.

Occupational health and safety Natixis has undertaken a number of initiatives within the scope of Natixis S.A. to encourage a proactive policy to prevent stress in the workplace and psychosocial risks. With the Stress Observatory, employees can complete a stress questionnaire during their periodic medical exam. From a company-wide standpoint, the observatory maintains a statistical database used to measure the global stress level of staff and how it changes over time, based on organizational and geographic criteria. The results are presented each year to the CHSCT (the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee). On the medical front, Natixis S.A. has an occupational health center to provide its staff with complete medical care. Natixis also has a social service staffed with full-time social workers. Workplace accidents and absenteeism due to illness Scope: Natixis France (managed scope)


Workplace accidents


2017 7.17 0.17

2016 5.88 0.11

Frequency of workplace accidents (a) (number per million hours worked)

6.6 0.2 3.0

Severity of workplace accidents (b) (number of days of incapacity per thousand hours worked) Absenteeism due to illness (including for occupational illnesses) (c) (%)



Frequency rate: (number of accidents with leave/hours worked) x 1,000,000, source INSEE. (a) Severity rate: (number of days lost due to temporary incapacity/hours worked) x 1,000, source INSEE. (b) It is not possible to isolate days of sick leave related to occupational illness. (c)


Natixis Registration Document 2018

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