NATIXIS - 2018 Registration document and annual financial report

6 NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE REPORT To implement these commitments to biodiversity, in 2018 Natixis set up an internal working group on natural capital comprising experts from its different business lines: the ESR Department, financing (CIB and SFS), the CIB Green Hub, representatives from the Asset Management affiliates (Mirova, Ostrum AM, AEW), and Natixis Assurances. Its goal is to produce real solutions to allow Natixis’ activities to systematically measure—and mitigate if necessary—the impact of their activities on nature, to systematically integrate biodiversity in dialog with clients in sensitive sectors, and to develop products and services based on nature.

Business line contributions to green and sustainable growth

projects from an environmental, social, health and safety perspective and to take all the necessary steps to minimize and correct the potential impacts. Protecting biodiversity is an integral part of these requirements. The quality of the client’s impact studies and management systems is also taken into account when assessing the project. The assessment is generally performed by an independent consultant and it pays particular attention to the preservation of natural and critical habitats, in compliance with the regulations applicable to the project. For projects located in non-designated countries (1) , additional action is required to meet the conditions set by the International Finance Corporation (2) . Mining activities to extract , recycle and transform a commodities have a significant impact on natural capital and biodiversity. For this reason, Natixis works with its clients to plan, avoid, reduce and offset the impact of these activities at each stage in the investment process. For each transaction, the Energy & Natural Resources (ENR) team ensures that its clients observe the practices required in the sector (Equator Principles, etc.) and Natixis’ internal policies.

Recognition of biodiversity in financing

Natixis already incorporates biodiversity in its project financing activities and in 2019 it will increase its recognition of natural capital preservation in all its activities: In accordance with the Equator Principles , Natixis requires its a clients to examine all the risks and potential impacts of their

2018 Key Event Implementation of a program to combat deforestation by a Natixis client in Ecuador

Natixis participated in financing for the Fruta del Norte Gold project in Ecuador. Lundi Gold, the project developer, documented endangered and vulnerable species using the categories set by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). As a result, the Company relocated over 35,000 species of flora and fauna and established a partnership with the Ecuadorian NGO Conservation International. Programs to fight deforestation and encourage sustainable practices on degraded land have been set up and biodiversity monitoring has also been implemented.

For agricultural commodities , Natixis helps its clients with a natural capital protection. Natixis participated in an innovative green revolving credit facility for ECOM Agroindustrial Corp. Ltd, a coffee, cocoa, sugar and cotton trading company, for $216 million over three years and $433.3 million over one year. The price is indexed to ECOM’s environmental and social

impact goals, in particular certification and product traceability. The margin reduction is paid to the ECOM Foundation, a non-profit that supports projects for producers and their communities. Part of the reduction is also assigned to the ECOM Department that provides agronomy services and technical assistance to farmers and local communities.

Innovation in 2018 Inclusion of biodiversity criteria in a green loan to Séché Environnement The first syndicated green loan deal led by Natixis refinanced Séché Environnement’s financial debt. The credit agreement takes into account the average rate of progress in biodiversity preservation via four commitments: 1. Adopt initiatives to promote biodiversity; 2. Make biodiversity a priority within the Company; 3. Use biodiversity to inspire stakeholders; 4. Raise awareness of the impact our lifestyle has on global biodiversity.

As defined in the Equator Principles. (1) IFC performance standards 6: biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of living natural resources. (2)


Natixis Registration Document 2018

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