NATIXIS - 2018 Registration document and annual financial report

NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE REPORT Business line contributions to green and sustainable growth

emissions “induced” by the Company’s activity with a lifecycle a approach that takes into account direct emissions as well as those of its suppliers and products; emissions “avoided” thanks to efficiency measures or green a solutions. Particular attention is paid to companies in the sectors with the biggest positive or negative impact on the climate, namely energy, industry, construction and public works, transport, low carbon facilities and solutions. The methodology was enhanced in 2018 to assess portfolio coherence with the climate scenarios set in the Paris Agreement (1) , using:

the CIA methodology; a climate scenarios from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate a Change (IPCC); investment projections from the International Energy Agency a (IEA). Combining data from these three sources produces results that are easy to interpret by providing an assessment in degrees Celsius corresponding to the climate scenario implied by a portfolio’s investments. Using this method, Mirova estimates that the climate scenario for all its equity, bond and infrastructure portfolios stands at +1.5°C, compared with +5°C for the MSCI World index (2) .

2018 Key Event Natixis Assurances aligns with the 2°C climate scenario

In 2018, Natixis Assurances made a proactive tangible commitment to combat climate change by aligning its investment policy with the 2°C climate scenario set in the Paris Agreement. Each year, Natixis Assurances will devote nearly 10% of its new investments to green assets, with a target of 10% of its total investments being in green assets by 2030. It invested over €430 million in green bonds in 2018. With this policy, Natixis Assurances intends to encourage and give priority to companies that contribute to the energy and ecological transition. Its commitment covers all its investment portfolios (excluding unit-linked policies). Natixis is part of a working group with other financial institutions ensure consistency in how it quantifies the carbon footprint of its seeking to establish industry-wide principles for calculating the different activities. These principles will provide a framework in carbon footprint of the portfolios managed by banks, insurers and which to establish detailed targets for reducing the carbon asset managers. Given the wide variety of its business lines, footprint as part of the international Science Based Targets for Natixis is particularly keen to find common principles that will Finance (SBTF) initiative.



The act4nature commitment ODD 14: Life below water ODD 15 : Life on land

Gradually integrate biodiversity in its decisions; 4. First avoid, then reduce, and finally offset its impacts; 5. Give priority to solutions based on nature; 6. Integrate biodiversity in its dialog with the public authorities 7. in all countries in which it operates; Raise awareness and train employees in biodiversity; 8. promote and encourage their initiatives to protect nature; Assign resources and establish appropriate partnerships to 9. support concrete actions and monitor their progress; Publicly report on the implementation of its commitments. 10. Natixis will decide and announce individual commitments for its financing and investment activities by the end of 2019, using SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Agreed upon, Realistic, Time-based).

Natixis is already highly involved in protecting the climate and in July 2018 it decided to commit all its business lines to preserving biodiversity by joining the act4nature (3) initiative sponsored by the non-profit Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE). Under this initiative, which includes French firms from all business sectors, Natixis has formally undertaken to take real action to provide solutions to preserve and restore biodiversity, ensure that natural resources are used sustainably and that the benefits derived from nature are distributed fairly. Natixis has signed up to the ten common principles of the act4nature initiative, which are to: Incorporate biodiversity in its corporate strategy; 1. Maintain dialog with all stakeholders; 2. Measure the direct and indirect impact of its activities on 3. biodiversity; (1) 2017 data. (2) (3)


Natixis Registration Document 2018

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