Mane // 2021 CSR Report


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5



CSR has become a full-fledged rating criterion in our clients’ annual assessments, alongwith innovation, quality, logistics and competitiveness. To give them access to our CSR information, we are members of several collaborative platforms.

For the tenth consecutive year, we are disclosing our environmental data (governance, impacts, risks and results) through the CDP platform. Our responses to CDP questionnaires give our clients an overall view of the environmental risks that weigh on their organisation, while showing them our commitment and environmental performance. In 2021, we received the following scores:

■ A- in the CDP Climate Change questionnaire; ■ B in the CDP Water Security questionnaire; ■ B in the CDP Forests questionnaire.


Since 2012, we have been members of the EcoVadis platform and have completed their CSR evaluation questionnaire. To date, we are in contact with over 110 customers who were given access to our scorecard. After analysing responses and supporting documents, EcoVadis gives a score out of 100. To date, we are in contact with over 110 customers to whom we have given access to our scorecard. Our last assessment was completed in January 2022. With a score of 78/100 (i.e. five points more than in 2020), we were awarded the Platinum medal, which places us in the Top 1% of companies assessed.

Customer satisfaction shows the degree to which MANE pays attention to customer needs and preferences. It is essential to the sustainability of its success. Each year, as part of the ISO 9001 quality management systems implemented by the various Group entities, a satisfaction survey is sent to a representative panel of customers. The purpose of these surveys is to determine customer satisfaction in the following areas: ■ business relationship; ■ order processing and follow-up; ■ delivery commitments and associated commitments; ■ quality monitoring; ■ key products and know-how; ■ CSR approach. CSR is therefore one of the subjects on which our customers are asked to provide feedback, in addition to other more traditional criteria. The results of the satisfaction surveys sent to customers are analysed by the Quality Departments which, if necessary, provide feedback internally to the departments concerned and to customers. The Quality Departments produce a quantified assessment of the results of these surveys which is presented each year in a Quality management review. For the EMEA region, for example, out of more than 1,800 customers surveyed (all categories combined), the overall level of satisfaction was 93%, and of 96% for our CSR approach. At Group level, the overall level of satisfaction was 93%.

We are also members of the SEDEX platform. All our production sites respond to the Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) and are audited every three years by an independent third party according to the SMETA standard. Our audit reports are shared with our clients on the platform.



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