Mane // 2021 CSR Report

Introduction Intr ctio

Chapitre 1 er

Chapitre 2 er

Chapitre 3 er

Chapitre 4 er

Chapitre 5 er



Main expectations and concerns

Methods of dialogue and information

Responses provided by the Group


■ Respecting human rights and international labour standards ■ Working conditions ■ Occupational health and safety ■ Shares and profit-sharing ■ Employability ■ Equal treatment

■ Quality of life at work surveys ■ Employee representative bodies ■ Social dialogue ■ Consultation of the Social and Economic Committee (SEC) ■ Yearly appraisals ■ Notice boards at all sites ■ Intranet sites

■ Human Resources, Occupational Health and Safety and Disability policies ■ Diversity Charter ■ Group Code of Ethics and training ■ Collective agreements ■ Strategic planning for employment and skills ■ 1.4% of payroll dedicated to training


■ Long-term partnerships ■ Fair practices ■ Respect of payment deadlines ■ Support in the CSR assessment of their practices ■ Sharing CSR practices

■ General Conditions of Purchase ■ Supplier CSR Charter ■ Exchange meetings ■ Sharing of CSR information via the EcoVadis and SEDEX platforms ■ Sharing of CSR information via the EcoVadis and SEDEX collaborative platforms ■ Discussions about solicitation ■ Publication of the (annual) CSR report audited by an independent third party ■ Information sharing on social media

■ Purchasing Code of Ethics ■ Anticorruption training for buyers ■ Supporting suppliers in the evaluation of their CSR practices ■ Respect of payment deadlines

Local communities, NGOS and associations

■ Creation of sustainable jobs ■ Social investments ■ Preventing significant industrial hazards ■ Preventing pollution ■ Sustainable use of natural resources ■ Protecting consumer health and safety ■ Compliance with regulations ■ Communication and transparency

■ Partnership or sponsorship actions ■ Visiting manufacturing sites ■ Participating in employment forums and exhibitions

■ School-company partnerships ■ Hiring of interns and apprentices

Public authorities

■ Information and discussion meetings to explain Group activities

■ Regulatory monitoring and compliance

Local residents

■ Preventing significant industrial hazards ■ No odour and noise nuisance ■ Preventing pollution (euents, emissions, waste, etc.)

■ Information leaflet for local residents on industrial risks

■ Major Accident Prevention Policy (PPAM) at the Bar-sur-Loup sites subject to Seveso and ICPE regulations ■ Environmental policies and environmental and energy management systems at all production sites ■ Measures to mitigate noise and odour pollution and to prevent pollution as part of environmental management programmes

Competitors/ professional associations

■ Knowledge sharing ■ Fair competition ■ Respecting intellectual property

■ Exchange meetings ■ Flavours Days

■ Involvement in several professional federations and associations ■ Participation in collective initiatives



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