Mane // 2021 CSR Report

Introduction Intr ctio

Chapitre 1 er

Chapitre 2 er

Chapitre 3 er

Chapitre 4 er

Chapitre 5 er



OUR APPROACH In order to prevent occupational hazards in the workplace, including those linked to stress, MANE is prepared to work with all relevant stakeholders. Managers and supervisors drive the policy and any resulting actions. At our French sites, the Social and Economic Committee (CSE), the Health, Safety andWorking Conditions Commission (CSSCT) and the occupational health team are all involved in this process. All employees also have a role to play, from identifying risks to developing and implementing prevention action plans. After meeting and exceeding our first target of a 33% reduction in the frequency rate of workplace accidents from 2009 to 2021, at Group level, we set ourselves two new targets for 2030: ■ reduce the frequency of workplace accidents by 20% compared to 2018; ■ increase the proportion of our employees working on an ISO 45001 certified site to more than 50%. To achieve its objectives, MANE bases its occupational health and safety management on the following axes: ■ compliance with local regulations; ■ implementation of an occupational health and safety management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 45001; ■ analysis and processing of accidents and near misses to identify the factors that contributed to them and implement appropriate corrective or preventive measures; ■ development of a health and safety culture, aimed at ensuring that each employee is responsible for their own health and safety and that of others;

RISK ASSESSMENT, A PILLAR OF OUR HEALTH AND SAFETY APPROACH The risk assessment approach is one of the pillars of our occupational health and safety management system. This participatory analysis is carried out using an internal methodology that enables us to prioritise our risks and our various actions.


In view of our activities, our prevention approach obviously focuses on the prevention of chemical risks. Chemical risks are the result of the exposure to or the use of hazardous chemicals, which can cause adverse health effects. Our approach to preventing chemical risks is notably based on: ■ the identification of hazardous products present in the company, whether used as such or generated by an activity or a process in the form of gas or dust; ■ comprehensive and rigorous risk assessment taking into account the severity of the risk. Generally speaking, the company invests heavily in reducing employee exposure as much as possible. The actions implemented give priority to the elimination or substitution of dangerous products and processes by other less dangerous products or processes and to collective protection measures. Our prevention approach also includes the following measures: ■ information, awareness-raising and training of employees; ■ implementation of hygiene measures (individual and collective);

■ due consideration of hardship factors; ■ improvement of working conditions.

■ establishment of emergency procedures; ■ health monitoring of exposed employees.

ISO 45001 CERTIFICATION The MANE Shanghai, MANE KANCOR India (Angamaly) and MANE Mexico sites are ISO 45001 certified. These certifications cover 20% of the Group’s workforce.


Industrial risk is defined as an accidental event that can occur on an industrial site involving dangerous products and/or processes and lead to immediate serious consequences for employees, local residents and the environment. In order to limit the occurrence and the consequences,



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