Mane // 2021 CSR Report

Introduction Intr ctio

Chapitre 1 er

Chapitre 2 er

Chapitre 3 er

Chapitre 4 er

Chapitre 5 er


Integrating biodiversity-related risks into purchasing

The project has three key aims: ■ reforest 213.8 hectares with exotic and indigenous species and expand forest conservation activities that have already been implemented in this area; ■ restore the mangroves in order to protect marine biodiversity and protect fishing activities; ■ support the development of productive agriculture by planting fruit, acacia and eucalyptus trees in order to diversify the income of local communities by practising subsistence farming. Plantation operations began at the end of 2018. The objective of this project was to generate 31,296 carbon credits by the end of 2020, 20% of which allocated to MANE. In 2020, however, plantations fell behind the initial schedule due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the state of health emergency announced by the Malagasy government. Significant efforts have been made since then to catch up. At the end of 2021, over 200,000 plants had been planted (on more than 80 hectares) and 230,000propagules had been planted (on 46 hectares in themangrove area). All seedlings produced in nurseries were planted in 2021, proof of the successful completion of this programme. The corresponding carbon credits are currently being assessed by an independent third party. Building on this positive experience, a new commitment is underway for the next four years, building on the existing geographical scope, in order to consolidate and extend it.

In the same way as the other potential risks related to suppliers (risks of corruption, non-compliance with human rights, climate, etc.), we integrated the due consideration of risks related to biodiversity in our responsible purchasing policy (1) . These risks include: ■ the risk of deforestation for natural raw materials from the countries most affected by deforestation (according to the WWF Living Forests report); ■ the risk of extinction of certain threatened species, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List or the appendices of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES); ■ the risk of non-compliance with ABS regulations by suppliers of certain species covered by them; ■ the risk of using pesticides banned in certain countries. For the suppliers identified as being at risk in our analysis, we ensure that their practices are strictly monitored on aspects related to the preservation of biodiversity in their activities. We also support our suppliers in the establishment of responsible sourcing channels and the certification of certain sensitive supply chains (UEBT, RFA, BIO certifications, etc.).

Financing of the “Manejo Sostenible de los Bosques” project


For several years, MANE Colombia has financed the Manejo Sostenible de los Bosques project to offset its irreducible emissions on scopes 1 and 2 with BanCO2. The programme aims to conserve the equivalent of 12,325 hectares of forests spread over 141 properties in the East Antioquia region. BanCO2 pays farmer families living on these properties for environmental services rendered. These payments encourage them to adopt practices aimed at combating deforestation in their regions, while ensuring continuity of revenue generation.

Through our carbon offsetting projects, we also contribute to the restoration of biodiversity.

Reforestation programmes in Madagascar In 2018, MANE invested in the implementation of a reforestation project in the new protected area of Loky Manambato in the north-east of Madagascar, in an area that is cleared of trees since 10 years.

(1) See chapter entitled “Implement a responsible purchasing policy” of this report.



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