Mane // 2021 CSR Report


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5





We are aware of the impact of our activities on biodiversity, but also of the dependence of our raw materials on natural resources. Among the risks incurred by our company in relation to the erosion of biodiversity are those related to the availability and costs of raw materials of natural origin. Only healthy soil can provide good-quality, perennial crops. The preservation of biodiversity and the fight against deforestation are therefore an integral part of our sustainable development and purchasing policies.

Our sustainable palm oil purchasing policy The first vegetable oil produced in the world, palm oil is omnipresent in our daily lives, in many consumer products such as cosmetics and food products. Faced with constantly growing demand, palm oil plantations are developing, often to the detriment of forests in Malaysia and Indonesia, where more than 85% of the world’s palm oil is produced. Although our consumption of palm oil and its derivatives remains very low compared to the global market, we are convinced that the Group has a role to play in promoting sustainable palm oil production in its value chain. Since 2020, we have been a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable PalmOil (RSPO). The RSPOpromotes the cultivation and use of sustainable palm oil on the basis of certification according to several traceability models: Identity Preserved (IP), Segregated (SG) or Mass Balanced (MB). Since 2020, 100% of the palm oil we buy is RSPO Mass Balance certified. Since 2021, all palm oil derivatives used in the composition of our products are also RSPO Mass Balance certified. Ensure that the benefits stemming from the use of genetic resources are shared Some of our natural raw materials are subject to Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) regulations under the Nagoya Protocol. We therefore constantly monitor changes in national ABS laws with the cross-functional involvement of all the departments concerned (R&D, Environment, CSR, Purchasing, Regulatory Affairs, Sales, etc.). To do this, in-depth work was carried out to trace and integrate into the information systems the geographical origins of all the natural raw materials that we purchase. A dedicated cross-functional working group has been set up to ensure compliance with ABS regulations in all our R&D and purchasing activities.

In 2016, we signed the Business and Biodiversity Pledge, initiated by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), at its 13thCOP inCancun. This commitment offers business leaders the opportunity to highlight the importance for companies of biodiversity and the ecosystemic services it provides, the vital role that companies can play in the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystemic services, and the urgent need to combat the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem degradation.



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