LEGRAND / 2018 Registration document

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W social media (“Legrand” on Twitter and “YouTube Legrand”) and communities specializing in areas such as Marketing, Purchasing, and Communication. More cross-functional communities also allow employees to share their opinions and ideas on products; W shared databases allowing the pooling of data and files; W internal webcasts for staff training and the sharing of information; W specific workshops to allow various departments to present their activities to other employees. Focus: Change management Adapting to markets involves making organizational changes and therefore adjusting the resources and funding allocated. These organizational changes take place within the framework of local labor relationships. Management-employee dialogue is particularly important when it involves discussing possible changes and reorganizations inside the Company. Employee representatives are kept closely informed and are regularly consulted about new projects. Once changes have been decided upon, the Group puts in place measures to support those affected (e.g. redeployment, training, coaching, help with setting up or taking over a business, etc.). R 2019-2021 CSR ROADMAP With its fourth CSR roadmap due to be published in 2019, in connection with SDG4 (Quality education) Legrand is addressing the issue of developing skills by adopting initiatives to: W develop the skills and talents of all staffmembers . In a context of digitalization and the need for employees to adapt to new roles, human resources must take into account the issues and priorities arising from Legrand’s business activities. The Group works hard to attract and retain talent, so that it can meet its future requirements. Legrand’s skills management approach also seeks to ensure the well-being at work and satisfaction of employees. R PROMOTING DIVERSITY, ESPECIALLY BY PLACING MOREWOMEN IN MANAGEMENT POSITIONS The Group is deeply committed to combating discrimination and promoting diversity. In 2004, it published its first Ethics Charter and in 2009 formalized the guidelines in a Charter of Fundamental Principles. Another sign of its commitment in this regard is the fact that Legrand is also a signatory to the UN Global Compact.

General Management believes that diversity, i.e. having people with a range of profiles within the Group, contributes to innovation, performance and quality of life within the company. There are twenty nationalities at the Group’s headquarters today. Employees benefiting from geographical mobility not only come from head office but also from subsidiaries in all geographical zones. The Human Resources Department is thus seeking to diversify the profiles of the talented people who support the Group’s growth. Legrand is also encouraging the recruitment of more women managers and intends to ensure that working conditions are the same for women as for men. 2014-2018 Group priority To increase the number of women in key roles by 25%. Key performance indicator : the number of women in key roles in the Group. Annual targets:

2014 2015 2016 2017


Percentage of women in key roles

12.6% 13% 13.5% 13.9% 14.4%

2018 achievements: At the end of 2018, 15.2% of the Group’s key roles were held by women, an increase of 32% versus the end of 2013.

2014 2015 2016 2017


Target achievement rate*

127% 125% 113% 136% 129%

* Calculated against the percentage at end of 2013 (11.5%).

Key roles are those considered to have a significant impact on the strategic objectives and performance of the relevant entities. The goal of increasing the percentage of women in key roles applies worldwide. The Group’s aim was to increase this percentage by 25% between the end of 2013 and the end of 2018 unadjusted for changes in scope, i.e. including employees joining the Group as a result of acquisitions (which, in terms of diversity, can sometimes dilute the Group’s performance, often for cultural reasons). The percentage actually increased by 32% during the period. Promoting women to the Group’s key roles is part of an ongoing action plan that follows on from measures already implemented by the Group in recent years: W non-discrimination awareness and training for managers : initiatives include presentations by independent experts to HR employees and workforce representatives involved in negotiating




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