Hermès // 2021 Universal Registration Document
Since 2020, the actual application of the compensation policy (including individual compensation of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board will be the overall actual compensation paid, and/or awarded) of the Corporate submitted each year to the approval of the Ordinary General Meeting Officers (including that of Supervisory Board members) and the actual ( ex-post vote). Changes made to the compensation policy for members of the Supervisory Board since the last General Meeting (Article R. 22-10-40, I-5° of the French Commercial Code) The General Meeting of 4 May 2021 approved, at 99.99% and without reservation, the compensation policy for the members of the Supervisory Board. Since then, no changes have been made to the compensation policy for members of the Supervisory Board. (Article R. 22-10-40, I-6° of the French Commercial Code) If a member is appointed during the year, the fixed component is shared between the outgoing member and his or her replacement, and the variable component is allocated according to attendance at meetings. The compensation policy applies without interruption to members whose term of office is renewed. Exemptions provided by the Supervisory Board (Article R. 22-10-40, I-7° of the French Commercial Code) There are currently no temporary exceptions from the application of the compensation policy for the Supervisory Board members subject to the occurrence of exceptional circumstances. Specific components of the compensation policy for members of the Supervisory Board (Article R. 22-10-40, II of the French Commercial Code) Compensation of Supervisory Board and committee members Supervisory Board members receive compensation in a total amount that is approved by the General Meeting and for which the allocation principles are laid down in the Supervisory Board’s compensation policy. Terms of application to newly appointed or reappointed members of the Supervisory Board
Compensation paid to members of the Audit and Risk Committee and the CAG-CSR Committee is deducted from the total amount of compensation of Supervisory Board members. The General Meeting of 6 June 2017 set the maximum annual amount of compensation allocated to the Supervisory Board and its committees at €600,000. The allocation principles (on a full-year basis) approved by the Board on 6 June 2017 and set out in Article 5.1 of the Board’s rules of procedure are as follows: the maximum amounts that may be allocated to each member are set s out in the table below; the variable component proportional to the actual attendance at s meetings is preponderant; employee representatives on the Supervisory Board do not receive s compensation as members of the Supervisory Board; the variable component proportional to a member’s attendance at s meetings is calculated by applying to the maximum amount of the variable component the ratio between the number of meetings attended (in the numerator) and the total number of meetings held during the last financial year (in the denominator); no variable component is allocated to the Chairman of the s Supervisory Board or the Chairs of the committees, since they must chair all meetings, unless they are prevented from doing so; the fixed and variable components are determined by the Board at its s first meeting of the year following the year for which the compensation is paid.
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