HERMÈS - 2020 Universal registration document





People are at the heart of the Group’s sustainable development project and the Group initiatives that contribute to the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs).

No. 3: Good health and well-being 3.4 “Reduce the premature mortality rate from s non-communicable diseases”

No. 4: Quality education 4.5 “Eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal s access, including persons with disabilities” Helping people with disabilities access and retain employment is a major issue. With the signature in France of a second Group agreement for 2021-2023, Hermès set itself the ambitious goal of increasing its use of socially supported organisations by 20% per year, a target that has been reached each year since 2018. As part of social dialogue in France, an agreement was signed on gender equality in 2019. In addition, during salary reviews, compliance with the principle of equality is systematically executed. Lastly, specific training in diversity management has been provided since 2017. No. 5: Gender equality 5.1 “End all forms of discrimination against women” s Women represent an important part of the Hermès Group: 67% of employees. 5.5 “Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal s opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life” At Group level, women managers represent 60% of employees. In particular, they represent 69% of employees on the Operations Committee. 5.a “Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic s resources” The House’s pay equity index is 92/100. 5.c “ Adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable s legislation for the promotion of gender equality” The policy consists of establishing conditions that provide equal opportunity in terms of recruitment and employment, under its various components, and refraining from any form of discrimination.

Health, Safety and Environment actions for site employees, all in the OECD area, are subject to strict regulations. The management of indicators on health, safety and absenteeism has led, for example, to the implementation of training programmes on well-being and health or the prevention of MSDs (musculoskeletal disorders), in order to prevent and reduce the impact of occupational illnesses. 3.4 “Promote mental health and well-being” s Since 2018, an internal health and well-being survey is regularly conducted among all employees in France. The questionnaire enables each employee to anonymously express their feelings on various topics relating to physical and mental health, stress, the work environment, activity and organisation. Similar initiatives are also in place internationally. Since 2018, 76% of employees have taken part in it. In the specific context of Covid-19, a listening and psychological counselling unit open to everyone has been set up. 3.8 “Achieve universal health coverage” s The House’s employees have access to health coverage and social protection based on each country’s regulations and practices. This coverage is the subject of a specific reflection and discussion group on healthcare costs. This body, set up on a voluntary basis, enables constructive discussions on the balance and development of the healthcare cost regime applicable in the majority of the Hermès Group’s companies. Lastly, in addition to the fixed and variable compensation paid to employees, the Hermès Group also offers health insurance and welfare benefits, not only in France but also in the other countries where it operates. 3.b “Support the research and development of vaccines and s medicines for diseases” In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Group carried out actions through numerous financial sponsorships, the most significant of which was the donation of €20 million to AP-HP (Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris) in France.


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