HERMÈS - 2019 Universal Registration Document


Age 58 years 1 (20 March 1962) Nationality French Address c/o Hermès International 24, rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré 75008 Paris Shares held on 31 December 2019 150,012 in full ownership and registered — Date of first appointment Supervisory Board 2 June 2005 Audit and Risk Committee 3 June 2008 Term of current office 2020 GM

RENAUD MOMMÉJA Member of the Hermès International Supervisory Board

Member of the Audit and Risk Committee Direct descendant of Mr Émile-Maurice Hermès

Summary of main areas of expertise and experience Mr Renaud Momméja is a graduate of the École Supérieure Libre des Sciences Commerciales Appliquées (ESLSCA). He has been Executive Manager of SARL Tolazi since 2004, a corporate property management, organisation and strategy consulting firm. Since 2006 he has been the Representative of SC Lor on the Executive Management of SC du Château Fourcas Hosten. He brings to the Board his in-depth knowledge of the history and culture of Hermès, and Asia. His professional background, his expertise in the fields of property, finance, corporate strategy and CSR, and the commitment with which he carries out his duties and participates in the Audit and Risk Committee enable him to make an effective contribution to the quality of the discussions and work of the Board in all of its areas of responsibility.


Main activities outside the Company

Executive Chairman of SARL Tolazi and Representative of SC Lor on the Executive Management of SC du Château Fourcas Hosten

In Hermès Group companies

French companies ▲

Foreign companies ▲

JL & Co ( United Kingdom ) s

Hermès International ● s

Member of the Supervisory Board and Audit and Risk Committee


Comptoir Nouveau de la Parfumerie ✱ s Director

Offices and positions held during financial year 2019

Outside Hermès Group companies

French companies

Foreign companies


Altizo s

Executive Chairman

Binc s

Executive Chairman GFA Château Fourcas Hosten s Executive Co-Chairman H2 s Director Huso ✱ s Director Lor s Executive Co-Chairman Rose Investissement s Executive Chairman SARL Tolazi s Executive Chairman SCI AJImmo s Executive Co-Chairman SCI Auguste Hollande s Executive Co-Chairman SCI Briand Villiers I s Chairman of SIFAH, Executive Chairman (since 05/06/2019)

The age indicated is determined as of the date of filing of this Universal Registration Document, i.e. 25 March 2020. (1) ▲ Hermès Group entity ● Listed company ✱ Office taken into account when calculating multiple offices



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