HERMÈS - 2019 Universal Registration Document


Age 66 years 1 (21 August 1953) Nationality French Address c/o Hermès International 24, rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré 75008 Paris Shares held on 31 December 2019 200 in full ownership and registered — Date of first appointment Supervisory Board 4 June 2013 Audit and Risk Committee 4 June 2013 Term of current office 2022 GM

DOMINIQUE SENEQUIER Independent member of the Hermès International Supervisory Board (Vice-Chairwoman) Member of the CAG-CSR Committee (Chairwoman)

Summary of main areas of expertise and experience Ms Dominique Senequier is a graduate of École Polytechnique (X72) and holds a postgraduate diploma (DEA) in Currency Banking Finance from the Sorbonne University. She began her career at GAN (1980) where she started up and developed the subsidiary GAN Participations, after being Acquisitions Manager for the group and spending five years in the insurance inspectorate. In 1996, she joined the AXA group and founded AXA Private Equity. At the end of 2013, AXA Private Equity became the Ardian group, of which she is currently Chairwoman. She brings to the Board her expertise in the field of finance and private equity, as well as her understanding of global macroeconomic and geopolitical issues. Her grasp of corporate governance, her international dimension acquired in China, the United States, the Middle East and emerging countries, and the commitment with which she carries out her duties and directs the work of the CAG-CSR Committee enable her to make an effective contribution to the quality of the discussions and work of the Board in all of its areas of responsibility.


Main activities outside the Company

Chairwoman of the Ardian Group.

In Hermès Group companies

French companies ▲

Foreign companies ▲


Hermès International ● s

Vice-Chairwoman and member of the Supervisory Board, Chairwoman of the CAG-CSR Committee

Offices and positions held during financial year 2019

Outside Hermès Group companies

French companies

Foreign companies

Ardian Holding s Permanent Representative of Senus SAS,

Ardian Beijing Consulting Limited Company LLC s ( China )


Member of the Board of Directors

Ardian Investment Singapore Pte Ltd ( Singapore ) s

SCI 30 rue Jacob SCI s


Member of the Board of Directors

Ardian Investment Switzerland AG ( Switzerland) s

Senus SAS s


Chairwoman of the Board of Directors

Ardian Investment Switzerland Holding AG s (Switzerland) Chairwoman of the Board of Directors Ardian Investment UK Ltd ( United Kingdom ) s Member of the Board of Directors Ardian US LLC ( USA ) s Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board, member of the Investment Committees ASF III-2,

Théâtre des Champs-Élysées SA ✱ s


AESF III-2, AESF IV and ANAF II Escouf Properties Corp. ( USA ) s Chairwoman Seneq SA (Belgium) s Director

The age indicated is determined as of the date of filling of this Universal Registration Document, i.e. 25 March 2020. (1) ▲ Hermès Group entity ● Listed company ✱ Office taken into account when calculating multiple offices



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