HERMÈS - 2019 Universal Registration Document


Composition of the Supervisory Board at 31 December 2019


Composition at 31/12/2019

The Supervisory Board exercises ongoing control over the Company’s management. For this purpose, it has the same powers as the Statutory Auditors and receives the same documents that they do, at the same time. In addition, the Executive Management must submit a detailed report to the Supervisory Board on the Company’s operations at least once a year. The Supervisory Board submits to the Active Partner its reasoned opinion: s on the nomination and dismissal of any Executive Chairman of the Company; and s in case of the Executive Chairman’s resignation, on reducing the notice period. The Supervisory Board: s determines the allocation of earnings to be put to the General Meeting each financial year; s approves or rejects any proposed newwording of certain clauses of the Articles of Association of Émile Hermès SARL. The Active Partner must consult the Supervisory Board prior to making any decisions on the following: s strategic options; s consolidated operating and investment budgets; and s proposals to the General Meeting pertaining to the appropriation of share premiums, reserves or retained earnings. Every year the Supervisory Board presents to the Annual Ordinary General Meeting of shareholders a report (see page 437) in which it comments on the Company’s management and draws attention to any inconsistencies or inaccuracies identified in the financial statements for the financial year. The functions exercised by the Supervisory Board do not entail any interference with the Executive Management, or any liability arising from the management’s actions or from the results of such actions. Nature of any existing family ties between the members of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Chairmen Pursuant to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/980 of 14 March 2019 (Annex I, Article 12.1), we hereby report to you the family ties existing between the members of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Chairmen. Ms Julie Guerrand, Mr Blaise Guerrand, Mr Axel Dumas, Mr Matthieu Dumas, Mr Henri-Louis Bauer, Mr Charles-Éric Bauer, Ms Dorothée Altmayer, Ms Olympia Guerrand, Mr Renaud Momméja and Mr Éric de Seynes are the direct descendants of Mr Émile-Maurice Hermès. Changes in the Supervisory Board during financial year 2019 The General Meeting of 4 June 2019: reappointed Ms Julie Guerrand, Ms Dominique Senequier and s Mr Charles-Éric Bauer to the Supervisory Board for a period of three years expiring at the end of the Annual Ordinary General Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the financial year ending 31 December 2021; (1) Employee representative.


Mr Éric de Seynes Chairman and member of the Supervisory Board Ms Monique Cohen Vice-Chairwoman and member of the Supervisory Board Ms Dominique Senequier Vice-Chairwoman and member of the Supervisory Board

s MsDorothéeAltmayer s Mr Charles-ÉricBauer s Ms EstelleBrachlianoff s Ms PurezaCardoso (1) s MrMatthieuDumas

s Mr Blaise Guerrand s Ms Julie Guerrand s Ms Olympia Guerrand s Mr Rémy Kroll (1) s Mr RenaudMomméja s Mr Alexandre Viros

Other members:


AUDIT AND RISK COMMITTEE Ms Monique Cohen Chairwoman Other members:

s Mr Charles-ÉricBauer s Ms EstelleBrachlianoff s Mr RenaudMomméja s Mr Alexandre Viros


Ms Dominique Senequier Chairwoman s Ms EstelleBrachlianoff s MrMatthieuDumas

Other members:

appointed Ms Estelle Brachlianoff (replacing Ms Sharon MacBeath, s who resigned on 20 March 2019) and Mr Alexandre Viros (replacing Mr Robert Peugeot, whose term was due to expire) as new members of the Supervisory Board. In accordance with the principle of periodically replacing one-third of the Supervisory Board set out in Article 18.2 of the Articles of Association, their terms of office are three and two years respectively. At its meeting of 4 June 2019, the Supervisory Board modified the composition of the Audit and Risk Committee and the CAG-CSR Committee (see page 249). At its meeting of 12 November 2019, the Group Works Council: noted the end of the term of office of Mr Frédéric Afriat as employee s representative, which was due to expire; appointed Ms Pureza Cardoso and Mr Rémy Kroll as new employee s representatives on the Supervisory Board for terms of three years.



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