Groupe Renault - 2019 Universal Registration Document



Since 2011, all sites in the RRG commercial network have been equipped with pollution prevention tools, and oil and fuel are now stored above ground or in double-wall tanks fitted with alarms and retention tanks. Priority preventative actions, such as neutralization or replacement of single-wall underground tanks with aboveground or double-wall storage The management of past subsoil pollution hinges on a risk assessment based on the source-vector-target concept and aims to ensure the suitability of the subsoil for the planned or identified uses. There are several stages to the pollution management system: historic and documentary study, P including an analysis of the site’s

RRG uses the same assessment method to clean contaminated soils on former oil and fuel storage sites, even when this contamination is due to the former owner. Between 2003 and end-2019, remediation work was undertaken at 29 sites. Protecting the biodiversity of species and ecosystems requires specific measures such as protecting habitats and combating the overexploitation of species, as well as reducing polluting emissions into ecosystems (water, air and soil). Renault’s continuous efforts to mitigate the environmental impact of its activities and products (see previous sections) help to combat Biodiversity  EFPD13  F.



tanks, were completed in the European RRG network in 2013.




ecosystem depletion in this way. Renault also takes special measures to protect biodiversity. Industrial projects involving the construction or extension of plants are assessed to measure their impact on surrounding ecosystems. On the Tangiers site inaugurated in 2012, a study was carried out on the impact of the planting of more than 5,000 trees between 2014 and 2015 in order to prevent soil erosion related to rainwater run-off on pervious areas of the site and the associated negative impacts on biodiversity. In Brazil, Renault, with the agreement of the local authorities, established a plan in 2008 to protect and manage biodiversity on part of the land acquired for its industrial site in Curitiba. Out of a total area of 2.5 million m 2 , 60% is devoted to the conservation of an area of virgin forest. This virgin forest, made up mainly of araucaria trees, a species of pine threatened with extinction and protected under Brazilian law, is home to more than 170 species of animal. In 2018, Groupe Renault joined the Act4Nature initiative and subscribed to the 10 collective commitments proposed. This initiative, launched by Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE) aims to protect, value and restore biodiversity. For further information, see Lastly, in 2019, Groupe Renault became a member of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR), an organization in which members aim to improve the environmental and socio-economic performance of the natural rubber sector, which notably includes actions to fight against deforestation.

vulnerability, has been carried out for operational industrial sites, former industrial sites converted to other uses and the RRG commercial network. It is updated as necessary. This study enables the identification of potential sources of pollution and the evaluation of the vulnerability level at the facility and in its immediate surroundings; a physical diagnostic of soils is carried out on-site depending on P the results of historic and documentary research; if the diagnostic confirms the presence of pollution sources, a P quantitative evaluation of the health risks is performed in order to assess the exposure risk for site users and the immediate surroundings (workers, residents, school children, etc. ); remediation operations may be started depending on the results P of the two preceding steps. These operations are carried out by specialized service providers with recognized expertise, under the supervision of the Renault soil specialist.


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