Groupe Renault - 2019 Universal Registration Document



The Group’s offering is supplemented by the Kangoo Z.E. Hydrogen and Renault Master Z.E. Hydrogen (2020), equipped with hydrogen fuel cells that provide additional energy, extending its range by up to three times compared to 100% electric vehicles, with a recharge time of only five to ten minutes. A partnership for more sustainable mobility In June 2019, WWF France and Groupe Renault announced a partnership based on a shared vision of the future of mobility: that of the transition from an historical model of the individual car using carbon fossil energies towards a more sustainable mobility model, i.e. , more shared (notably through the roll-out of mobility services such as carpooling and car-sharing) and more electric, based on renewable energy sources with development facilitated by the services rendered by electric vehicle batteries. The first practical case study carried out jointly as part of this partnership looked at the island of Porto Santo in Portugal, where Groupe Renault and Empresa de Electricidade da Madeira, an energy supplier, joined forces to launch a smart electricity ecosystem based on four main pillars: electric vehicles, stationary electricity storage, smart charging and reversible charging, with the aim of reinforcing the island’s energy independence and reduce its carbon footprint. While Porto Santo’s energy mix is today based largely on fossil energies, the results indicate that the carbon footprint over the whole life cycle of electric vehicles in Porto Santo is lower than that of the diesel and gasoline equivalents, respectively by 11% and 34%. The study also shows that in the case of a maximum 99.5% use of renewable energies combined with 100% electric mobility, the carbon footprint related to all energy consumption on the island would be reduced by 88% compared to 2018. The full study is available online at: WWF France and Groupe Renault intend to continue this analysis of the benefits of the electric vehicle ecosystem combined with renewable energies by broadening the scope of the subjects studied (economic impact, uses, consideration of car sharing, etc. ) and applying it to new regions, with the aim of identifying the key success factors in view of a large scale roll-out.

Technological eco-driving aids 3 Fuel consumption actually observed by the average driver can diverge from the certified values, with differences possibly exceeding 20% depending on the type of driving. This is due to certified consumption values being calculated for standardized cycles that do not reflect all driving styles (more or less aggressive) or all driving conditions (no heating or air conditioning, fluid urban and suburban traffic). Renault offers eco-driving assistance solutions in order to close this gap, so that the actual consumption noted by its customers is as close as possible to the certified values. This was the impetus behind the creation of Renault’s Driving ECO2 program in 2008, which aims to offer vehicle-embedded driving aids to customers, as well as training services in order to assist them in reducing their fuel consumption through eco-driving. Changing driver behaviors through eco-driving is one way to reduce energy consumption (gasoline, diesel or electricity). Depending on driving style, savings of up to 25% could be achieved. Surveys, conducted both internally and externally to better understand customers’ expectations of embedded eco-driving aids, led to the identification of four driver profiles (see graph below): “participative” drivers, who wish to take an active role by changing P their behavior, and would like information and targeted advice on how to do this; “delegating” drivers, who are ready to give full responsibility for P reducing their consumption to the vehicle; drivers who are both participative and delegating; P finally, a minority of drivers who state that they have no interest P in any form of eco-driving assistance. In order to meet the specific expectations of each of its customers, Renault has developed a full range of Driving ECO2 embedded driving tools adapted for each driver profile (see graph below): Eco-mode, triggered by the touch of a button, modifies vehicle P performance and regulates thermal comfort to reduce fuel consumption by as much as 10%; the real-time driving aid tools Eco-Advice (gear shift indicator) and P Eco-Monitoring (which combines the driving style indicator, instant consumption and the engine regime); the Eco-Scoring and Eco-Coaching tools integrated into the P multimedia systems, which assess the driver and provide him or her with personalized advice based on the scores obtained; Eco-Navigation calculates the most fuel-efficient route for a given P journey.


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