Groupe Renault - 2019 Universal Registration Document









The synergies between electric mobility and renewable energy however go far beyond the mere reduction of CO 2 emissions related to battery charges. The challenge of widespread distribution of electric vehicles is emerging as an integral part of an optimal integration of renewable energies in the electricity production and distribution “ecosystem,” at a lower cost and providing maximum benefit in terms of overall reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. According to the study En route pour un transport durable (Towards Sustainable Transport) published in late 2015 by the European Climate Foundation and Cambridge Econometrics, intelligent management of electric vehicle charging could contribute to the creation of a net profit of €125 million in 2030 for the French energy system, while enabling greater integration of renewable energy. It would also make it possible to add more than 20 million electric vehicles into France’s car fleet without resorting to additional production capacity. The storage capacity that electric vehicle batteries represent could indeed be used to absorb surplus renewable energy when grid demand is lower than production and return the surplus during the consumption peaks. These peaks determine the size of electricity production and distribution infrastructures and contribute strongly to greenhouse gas emissions because they are currently covered for the most part by thermal power stations (gas, coal, etc. ). Such synergies can be implemented through intelligent management of the charging of electric vehicles (or even charges/discharges as part of solutions to power electrical grids or homes from batteries) and through the reuse of second-life batteries in electrical energy storage infrastructures. This is why Renault participated in the European ELSA project aiming to develop a stationary electricity storage system using second-life batteries provided by Renault and Nissan, and is a partner of the British company Connected Energy for the commercial development of fast-charge solutions based on used Renault second-life batteries (batteries that have lost about 30% of their initial storage capacity). In 2018, Renault announced the launch of the Advanced Battery Storage project, which aims to build in 2020 the largest stationary electricity storage system ever designed in Europe using electric vehicle batteries. This initiative forms part of a major integration of renewable energies into electrical networks. It should eventually be capable of storing a minimum of 60 MWh, and providing power of 70 MW. Furthermore, Groupe Renault and energy supplier Empresa de Electricidade da Madeira have joined forces to launch a smart electricity ecosystem on the island of Porto Santo in Portugal, based on four main pillars: electric vehicles, stationary electricity storage, smart charging and reversible charging. Its purpose is to promote the island’s energy self-sufficiency, and to boost its renewable energy production. According to the International Energy Agency,  (1) global production from renewable energies should cover 30% of electricity demand by 2023 (compared with 24% in 2017), thereby making electric vehicles, which are a subject of growing interest in many countries, even more attractive in terms of environmental benefits.

Electric vehicles in the ecological transition Groupe Renault was invited by the Fondation pour la Nature et l’Homme and the European Climate Foundation to take part in the study “From Cradle to Grave: E-mobility and the French Energy Transition” alongside ADEME, the Réseau de Transport d’Électricité (RTE), the battery manufacturer Saft, Avere-France (association for the development of electric mobility) and the NGOs Réseau Action Climat France, WWF France and Réseau pour la Transition Énergétique (Energy Transition Network) (CLER) This study was published in December 2017 and assesses the environmental impacts and benefits of electrifying the automotive vehicle fleet in France by 2030. It confirms the environmental benefits of electric vehicles in combating climate change and achieving the targets of the COP 21 Paris agreement. The study also covers how the benefits could be enhanced by maximizing the use of batteries for mobility (vehicle-sharing, increasing mileage) and by services to the grid (“V2G” or “vehicle-to-grid”). Finally, the study explores the possibility of using second-life batteries to store energy, thereby boosting energy transition and the development of renewable energy. For further information visit: Electric_vehicles_ENG_AW_WEB.pdf/. In Europe, Renault is number in electric mobility with more than 250,000 battery electric vehicles put on the road since 2010. In 2019, Kangoo Z.E. remains the best-selling electric light commercial vehicle, as it has been every year since it was introduced. Electric vehicles represented 3% of total Groupe Renault sales in Europe in 2019 (well above the average market share for this vehicle type on the European market, which was 2.1% in 2019), enabling electric vehicles to provide a -3.2g CO 2 /km reduction in the average emissions from passenger cars sold by Groupe in Europe. The Group offers a full range with New ZOE launched in 2019, Twizy, Kangoo Z.E., Master Z.E. and, from 2020, Twingo Z.E., sold in numerous countries in Europe and elsewhere, as well as the Renault Samsung Motors SM3 Z.E. sedan, sold in South Korea, and Renault City K-ZE, a new electric A-segment vehicle, urban and affordable, available in China since late 2019 and manufactured locally by eGT New Energy Automotive Co, a joint venture created with Dongfeng Motor Group and Nissan in order to develop and produce competitive electric vehicles for the Chinese market. In 2018 the Group also confirmed plans for three new electric light commercial vehicles, in the range produced by the Renault-Brilliance-Jinbei Automotive Company joint venture formed in 2018. In 2019, the Group recorded a new 23.5% increase in its worldwide sales of electric vehicles, to more than 62,447 units.


IEA Renewables 2018: market analysis and forecasts from 2018 to 2023. (1)



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