Groupe La Poste // CSR REPORT 2022

Becoming a leading player in the rational management of resources 5 WORKING TO ACCELERATE ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSITION FOR ALL ■

La Banque Postale and its two subsidiaries CNP Assurances and La Banque Postale Asset Management have also signed the Financial Institution Statement ahead of the Convention on Biological Diversity COP1 (1) . La Banque Postale Asset Management, alongside La Banque Postale, actively participates in various working groups as part of the signing of the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge, which is naturally part of La Banque Postale Asset Management’s roadmap. In terms of impact on its operational scope, La Banque Postale relies in particular on the actions of its main landlord, La Poste Immobilier. CNP Assurances , also a signatory of the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge, has set itself the following objectives: ■ measure the biodiversity footprint of the entire equity and corporate bond portfolio held directly by the end of 2023; ■ carry out an inventory and an analysis of the impact on biodiversity of the logistics platforms owned directly by the end of 2022;

■ measure the biodiversity of 100% of the forest portfolio by the end of 2025; ■ devote 3% of the forest area to ageing islands and areas undergoing natural change by the end of 2025. CNP Assurances benefits from sustainable management by Société Forestière, which has defined biodiversity conservation objectives over the next five years as part of a Sustainable Management Charter. The “Green Works” Charter obliges the companies managing its real estate portfolio to comply with rules that protect biodiversity, such as respect for ecosystems during the construction phase, but also the choice of materials with a limited impact on the environment, waste and reduced water consumption. CNP Assurances has carried out a first test to measure the biodiversity footprint of its directly held equity and corporate bond portfolio using the Corporate Biodiversity Footprint method developed by I Care & Consult and Iceberg Data Lab. Iceberg Data Lab provided data on the companies in the sectors with the highest impact on biodiversity.

5.4 BECOMING A LEADING PLAYER IN THE RATIONAL MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES Ambition La Poste Groupe has defined a resources policy , enhanced in 2022 with a waste policy, available on its website (2) .

■ Products and services: ■ mail and parcel packaging: 50% recycled content by 2025 and 60% by 2030; maintain 100% recyclable; move towards zero non-reusable plastic packaging by 2025, ■ La Poste Mobile: 10% of sales of refurbished telephones by 2025; offer phone repair, reuse and recycling services, ■ support the development of second-hand platforms for private individuals by 2030, ■ become a leader in new local services in terms of circular economy logistics by 2030.

La Poste has set itself the goal of being the first company to have a “SBT for Resources”-certified trajectory (3) by 2030. The group aims for the rational management of resources at all levels and has set itself the following ambitions:

■ Operations: ■ reuse or recycle 75% of operating waste by 2030, ■ reuse 100% of reusable IT equipment by 2030;

(1) This appeal to governments, notably made by Finance for Biodiversity Foundation, aims to encourage States to align themselves with a post-2020 framework for global biodiversity management, to strengthen national strategies, regulations and reporting obligations, and lastly to eliminate subsidies that are harmful to ecosystems and biodiversity. (2) (3) A resource trajectory compatible with planetary limits, defined and validated using a SBT (Science-Based Targets) type framework recognised by the international community.

92 CSR Report 2022/ LA POSTE GROUPE

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