Groupe La Poste // CSR REPORT 2022


To manage its biodiversity policy, La Poste is has set up a Group Biodiversity Committee which brings together the biodiversity managers of all the business units and structures concerned four times a year. The CSR directors of all the structures will also monitor the biodiversity policy of the Group CSR Committee. Lastly, the monitoring of the biodiversity action plan will be integrated into the monitoring of the group’s strategic plan by the Executive Committee. In 2022, the group embarked on two major initiatives in line with its biodiversity policy. It joined the “Entreprises Committed to Nature” (Act4Nature) programme, led by the French Office for Biodiversity ( Office français de la biodiversité - OFB) Its objective is to integrate biodiversity into the Company’s value chain, into production processes or investment decisions. La Poste also joined the “Logistics and transport to combat illegal wildlife trade” initiative led by WWF France, which brings together various logistics and transport players committed to this subject. The group and its entities have chosen to deploy the Global Biodiversity Score (biodiversity presence rate per square kilometre) as an indicator to measure biodiversity performance. Its implementation will be effective in 2023 for La Poste SA, La Banque Postale, La Banque Postale Asset Management, CNP Assurances and Louvre Banque Privée. Lastly, to contribute to citizen mobilisation in favour of biodiversity, La Poste strives to publicise the achievements on its sites and supports programmes such as “Nature 2050” or the financing of “Low Carbon Label” projects. In 2022, with the support of CNP Assurances, La Banque Postale Asset Management launched a thematic global equity fund, Tocqueville Biodiversity SRI, to promote the preservation of life. In December 2022, LBP AM also published six cross-cutting commitments to integrate biodiversity into its asset management and contribute to the objectives of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework project. As part of the development of its logistics projects for the Services-Mail-Parcel branch, La Poste Immobilier is committed to optimizing the impact on soil artificialization , by adopting the following approach: ■ expanded land sourcing, including both existing sites (to rent, buy, redevelop) and new sites under development (developers) or new land open to urbanisation; ■ priority given to the redevelopment of sites already built/ urbanised, which allows operations to be carried out more quickly. However, this type of site does not always achieve the performance expected by the operator (functional requirements of the business unit), compared to new platforms; ■ strive to pool real estate solutions for the group’s various logistics needs; ■ gain experience and expertise in brownfield redevelopment: La Poste Immobilier has experience in this area,

through several major logistics projects, for example: ■ from 2009, a mail platform in Villeneuve la Garenne on a polluted industrial wasteland, ■ more recently, a Mail Preparation and Delivery Centre in Valence, on former wasteland, ■ an urban logistics hotel in Nanterre, by total restructuring of the former sorting centre, ■ the ongoing study of a centre in Marseille on the former land of Sucreries Saint Louis, ■ the Hôtel de Logistique Urbaine de Lézennes project through the conversion of a postal wasteland: this exemplary project aims for HQE Sustainable Building certification, the BiodiverCity ® label and the E+C- label, with the aim of renaturing the site and creating spaces conducive to the development of fauna and flora. In September 2021, La Banque Postale signed the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge, a global initiative aiming to restore and preserve biodiversity in investment and financing activities. In particular, the Bank is committed by 2024 to: ■ collaborate and share its knowledge and assessment methodologies, biodiversity-related metrics, and financing approaches with the other signatories; ■ support companies in their efforts to reduce their negative impacts and strengthen their positive impacts; ■ assess the positive and negative impacts of financing and investment activities on biodiversity, and identify the key factors for its degradation; ■ define objectives to increase the positive impacts and reduce the negative impacts. In order to meet this commitment, La Banque Postale aims to adopt a biodiversity policy. It will build on the actions already in place within the Bank, such as: ■ the exclusion under La Banque Postale’s Responsible Financing and Investment Charter of companies with a strong impact on deforestation; ■ the financing of national external low-carbon projects and international external projects that aim to preserve biodiversity, as part of its carbon fund. La Banque Postale has made an initial estimate of the biodiversity footprint on a limited scope of the corporate issuer pocket of its CIB activity. Due to the data available to carry out this measurement, only 25% of this portfolio was analysed. La Banque Postale relied on the Biodiversity Impact Analytics database powered by the Global Biodiversity Score TM (BIA-GBS), developed by Carbone 4 and CDC Biodiversité. On this scope, the intensity of the biodiversity impact corresponds to 27 MSA per billion euros invested. (1)

(1) The MSAppb (MSA parts per billion) indicator is used to aggregate land and aquatic impacts and express them as a fraction of their total available quantities (surface area * 100%).

CSR Report 2022/ LA POSTE GROUPE 91

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