Groupe La Poste // CSR REPORT 2022

Working with the ecosystem to ensure that digital technology has a positive societal impact 4 FOSTERING ETHICAL, INCLUSIVE AND FRUGAL DIGITAL SERVICES ■


In addition to its involvement in the work of the INR, in 2022 the group continued to contribute to various projects to promote ethical, inclusive and frugal digital technology: (1) on digital sobriety; ■ contribution to the sobriety workshops of the High Committee for Eco-Responsible Digital Services ( Haut comité au numérique eco-responsible ), which aims to improve the skills and progress of digital players; ■ contributions to the development of the decarbonisation trajectory of the digital sector established by the High Committee for Eco-Responsible Digital Services; ■ numerous peer-to-peer exchanges of practices and experiences: podcasts and webinars for CDC; Crédit Agricole, ECLOZ, Alliancy; Afterword to the publication 40 words for responsible digital technology ; press articles, ESCP Business school round tables, B-COM Rennes, etc.; ■ contribution to the Scientific Department of the Institut Supérieur pour l’Environnement for the implementation of a diploma course on responsible digital technology. La Poste Groupe is a signatory of: ■ the Planet Tech Care Manifesto, a movement that aims to provide committed players with the tools to reduce the environmental footprint of digital technology; ■ the Inclusion Manifesto with a dedicated theme on digital accessibility. ■ participation in the work of CIGREF

La Poste Groupe makes a concrete commitment with its ecosystem to promote the development of ethical and inclusive digital technology. The complexity and scope of the issues raised require the group to join forces with other players from all sectors of society to act together, bring about change and create tomorrow’s models and solutions. La Poste is a founding member of Club Green IT and founded, with several members, the Institute of Responsible Digital Services (Institut du Numérique Responsable - INR). The INR now has 134 members, 54 certified, and has issued more than 2,600 RD certifications. Several agreements have been signed and renewed with MTE, DGA, DAE, ADEME and DINUM, as well as with two regions and four metropolitan areas. The aim of the research and analysis carried out is to improve the skills of digital users and share best practice. These cover: ■ the environmental impact of digital technology and its applications; ■ IT for Green, or how to make digital technology work for the environment; ■ the responsible design of digital products and services; ■ artificial intelligence, ethical and frugal AI; ■ digital accessibility, the metaverse, new IT jobs, cybersecurity, feminisation of IT jobs, etc. La Poste Groupe contributed to the drafting of the Charter of the French Institute of Responsible Digital Services. It was one of the first signatories, in June 2019. The Charter now has more than 200 signatories. uploads/2020/10/charte-inr-numerique-responsable.pdf. In 2022, La Poste Groupe collaborated on the INR deliverables: Responsible Purchasing Guide, Reference Guide for Responsible Design of Digital Services, RD Calculator, Maturity Diagnosis, Update of the RD certification, REEN Calculator, Awareness comics, etc.

(1) Association of Information Systems Directors of large French companies.

70 CSR Report 2022/ LA POSTE GROUPE

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