Groupe La Poste // CSR REPORT 2022

A strengthened societal commitment 1 LA POSTE GROUPE PROFILE AND STRATEGY ■

1.2.4 A new dynamic for impact To support the major transitions - environmental and energy, digital, demographic and social, regional - which are transforming our societies, La Poste is making strong commitments. It thus reinforces its positioning as a positive impact company, reconciling economic performance and public interest. These commitments are anchored in the status of a company with a mission, which La Poste adopted in 2022. It therefore amended its Articles of Association to include the purpose as well as four social and environmental objectives which are all commitments of the group to society as a whole: ■ contributing to the development and cohesion of regions; ■ improving social inclusion; ■ promoting ethical, inclusive and frugal digital services; ■ working to accelerate the environmental transition for all. The group’s social policy is both a lever and a foundation for its transformation (see Chapter 6 of this document).

Section 1.1.3 “A mission-led company” (pages 21 to 23) of La Poste Groupe’s 2022 URD presents: ■ the context of the adoption of the status of a company with a mission; ■ the purpose for La Poste and its employees (preparation methods and La Poste’s manifesto); ■ the social and environmental objectives set out in the Articles of Association; ■ the enhanced governance; ■ the indicators monitored by the Mission Committee. The adoption by La Poste of the status of a company with a mission completes the exercise by the group of its public service missions . They are enshrined in law and the conditions for their implementation are at the heart of the Public Service Agreement between La Poste and the French State. The commitments as a company with a mission are based on a voluntary and autonomous approach. These two different approaches enriched each other and contribute jointly to the general interest. Lastly, La Poste’s adoption of the status of a company with a mission (1) is structured and jointly enhanced by the initiatives carried out at all levels within the large public financial division .

Purpose: The Caisse des Dépôts group, a unique alliance of public and private economic players, is committed at the heart of the regions , to accelerate the environmental transformation and to contribute to providing a better life for all . Purpose: Serving all, useful to everyone, La Poste, a proximity company with local anchorage , develops exchanges and forges essential links by contributing to the common good of society as a whole. Purpose: Because its was born with a civic vocation , La Banque Postale is convinced that there is no sustainable value creation without sharing, no economic dynamism without the vitality of the regions, no sustainable development without respect for planetary limits . By offering efficient and accessible services, our mission is to enable everyone to fulfil themselves and to contribute, through their investment, savings, insurance and consumption choices , to building a society that is more attentive to the planet and to all its inhabitants. As a committed banker and insurer, we want to work towards this fair transition, with all our customers and all our employees. Purpose: As responsible insurers and investors, driven by the civic vocation of our group, we work with our partners towards an inclusive and sustainable society by providing as many people as possible with solutions that protect and facilitate all life situations .

Company with mission since 2021

Company with mission since 2022

(1) The mission monitoring indicators were defined for the 2021 and 2022 fiscal years with the Mission Committee and are available in the second report of the Mission Committee available for download from the website

CSR Report 2022/ LA POSTE GROUPE 13

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