Groupama // 2021 Universal Registration Document


1 Overview of the group History of the Company 1.1


5 Group risk factors


The Group’s main risks 5.1



Organisation of the Group and Groupama 1.2 Assurances Mutuelles

Organisation of risk management 5.2 within the Group

6 8


Key figures 1.3 Strategy 1.4


Human Resources 1.5


6 Earnings and financial position 117 Management report of the Board 6.1 of Directors 118 Dividend distribution policy 6.2 141 Characteristics of the mutual certificates 6.3 and remuneration policy 142 Cash and Group financing 6.4 143 Administrative, judicial, or arbitration 6.5 proceedings 144 145 Combined financial statements and notes 7.1 146 Statutory auditors’ report on the combined 7.2 financial statements 262 Annual financial statements and notes 7.3 266 Statutory auditors’ report on the annual 7.4 financial statements 301 7 Financial statements

2 The group’s businesses Groupama, a multi-line and multi-channel 2.1 insurer



Insurance in France 2.2 International Insurance 2.3 Financial businesses 2.4

20 24 26

3 Corporate governance and internal control

27 28 54 54 56 63 63 65

Disclosures on Corporate Governance 3.1 Delegations of authority and powers 3.2

Compensation of Directors 3.3 Internal control procedures 3.4 Related-party transactions 3.5

Major contracts 3.6

Fees of the statutory auditors 3.7 Statutory auditor’s special report on 3.8 related-party agreements

8 Additional information Company information 8.1




Information concerning share capital and 8.2 principal shareholders

324 326

Regulatory environment 8.3

4 Corporate social responsibility (CSR)67 Groupama CSR Policy 4.1 68 Declaration of Extra-financial Performance 4.2 69 Report of the independent third-party 4.3

Persons responsible for the Universal 8.4 Registration Document, financial disclosures, and for auditing the financial statements 329 Available documents 8.5 330 Glossary 8.6 331 Concordance tables 8.7 332

organisation on the declaration of extra-financial performance


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