Groupama // 2021 Universal Registration Document

4 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) Declaration of Extra-financial Performance

In 2022, Groupama will launch a Climate Lab, a team of experts and internal and external skills to develop our knowledge and to support projects. We want to strengthen our partnerships with research institutions and organisations working on the ground to make agriculture and buildings more resilient to changing climate risks. Our challenge is to be able to accelerate our response by setting up an approach to adapt to climate change in order to better support our customers and members, while respecting our corporate purpose and controlling our commitments. On environmental protection and contribution to climate change mitigation Groupama is certainly exposed to this risk given its activity (proportion of non-life insurance in particular), but it remains fundamentally controlled thanks to compliance with existing or new regulatory requirements. The business departments conduct ongoing regulatory and technical monitoring to adapt the offerings. The Group’s network of preventionists (150 FTEs (1) at Groupama Assurances Mutuelles and the regional mutuals) is called upon. Here are a few examples of environmental liability (2) environment: this is a compulsory cover for professional risks with limits of cover and in accordance with the regulatory provisions; in business and local authority insurance: proposal or addition of environmental liability, with ecological damage. Note: reinsurers have so far not imposed clauses excluding certain ❯ environmental risks; changes in the regulations on “group actions” (since 2014) have ❯ led to the purchase of specific reinsurance to protect against the economic consequences of this type of proceeding; a policy of monitoring and controlling the accumulation of risks is ❯ carried out at the group level ( e.g. on fire cover, which may have an environmental impact by extension); with regard to claims, also note the role of issuing alerts of the claims function on the quality of the risk (cf. Seveso-classified sites). The enactment of pollution or other standards is not within Groupama’s authority; in essence, we insure players complying with recognised standards. In terms of mitigation of climate change or preservation of the environment, note the following: in multi-risk home insurance, the offerings include cover for home ❯ equipment producing renewable energies, and Groupama pioneered an environmentally friendly “new for old” programme for household appliances requiring replacement; in motor insurance, the Centaure centres enabled 14,752 ❯ trainees to complete an eco-driving module in 2021 (44% of Centaure trainees) (36% in 2020) (2019 data: 18,920);

in motor damage insurance, Groupama contributes to the ❯ circular economy: repairing (rather than replacing) one third of bumpers and shields (on cars insured by Groupama and Gan); Groupama has partnered with Exo Expert to support the ❯ development of drones in risk protection and the deployment of new services for farmers. The developed services will enable Groupama to optimise the performance and quality of insurance benefits, such as close monitoring of the situation of crops, damage suffered, or the effective identification of areas affected by a climate event, and with a drone, the calculation of nitrogen modulation maps for wheat and rapeseed; these are reduced costs, better production, and a positive impact on the environment; Groupama has been part of the Contract of Solutions initiative ❯ set up as an association since the beginning of 2020 in order to reduce the use and impact of pesticides (sheets of solution for farmers); Groupama is the leader in insurance and prevention on ❯ methanisation activities, with 60% of French methanisation units insured; the notion of environmental damage was introduced in the ❯ French Criminal Code in 2016; this cover is integrated into our environmental TPL offerings. In 2021, Groupama’s “Essential Farmers” campaign, via a web series, will showcase different facets of the farming profession. This is an opportunity to discuss various themes that shed light on today’s agriculture and all its transitions, particularly those related to the environment: soil conservation, cost-cutting circuits, methanisation. Performance indicator ❯ Rate of change in the number of “infrequent driver” (3) motor policies in the portfolio: 876,635 policies in 2021, or +9.6%/2020, and after +6.4% in 2020/2019, or 30% of the portfolio of the regional mutuals. These plans continue to develop in response to growing demand. Other indicators with an “environmental” dimension (4) ❯ Number of electric vehicle policies: 21,791 policies, or +50%/2020 (after +22% in 2020/2019) (5) Number of corporate environmental TPL polices: 958 Garden policies, or +7.4% from 2020; and environmental cover in corporate TPL: presence in approximately 4,016 policies Additional indicator ❯ Share of non-life insurance contributing to climate change adaptation as defined by the European Taxonomy (premiums from policies containing protection against climate perils), see section 4.2.4 of this document.

Full Time Equivalent. (1) Third-Party Liability. (2) Less than 8,000 or 10,000 km depending on the brand. (3) With environmental characteristics or environmental objectives. (4) The Amaline brand disappeared in 2020. (5)

84 Universal Registration Document 2021 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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