Groupama // 2021 Universal Registration Document

4 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) Declaration of Extra-financial Performance

In weather claims, natural risk events (Nat. Cat. (1) , forces of nature, storms) are already assessed in insurance risks (non-life underwriting risks). Application of the Nat. Cat. and knowledge of the underwriting risk (verification of flood-prone areas, etc.) ensure that the risk is well monitored. Groupama has strong reinsurance protection – Groupama is the second-largest European buyer of storm reinsurance protection – and is an innovative group in terms of cover solutions. Note: that an internal scenario for assessing the impact of a ❯ group-wide environmental disaster has been devised; the concrete effectiveness of our reinsurance structures, which ❯ have made it possible to absorb a large part of the loss experience observed in France in 2021 (particularly following the bad weather in the South-West in February). Regarding exposures, we assess reconstruction costs as well as operating losses in the event of natural or man-made hazards (2) with a mapping resolution with GPS coordinates, which then allows for mappings taking into account the criticality of risks. Groupama is actively involved in the profession’s work on natural disasters, in particular on drought phenomena on buildings and flood modelling, and currently chairs the MRN (3) . For many years, Groupama has been carrying out prevention/protection and awareness-raising actions for its customers and members. For example, Groupama-Predict, a partnership to improve resilience in the face of climatic risks: initiated in 2007, this partnership now enables nearly 20,000 local authorities to have municipal protection plans, with real-time monitoring of events, and millions of citizens to be warned in advance and on a municipal scale 24 hours a day, 7 days a week of approaching risks. Prevention and alert services of Predict (4) , a subsidiary of Météo France, are accessible to all customers of the Group. An innovative, proven solution. Thanks to Predict, during the bad weather in the South-West, 814 communes were informed and assisted in activating their Communal Emergency Plan. Groupama Méditerranée is a partner of AgriPredict, an anticipation/alert service for farmers in the Hérault region in the face of extreme events. Groupama has developed an application for forecasting storms occurring in “clusters” in mainland France, a phenomenon well known to the insurance industry, also known as “clustering”. Developed with the contribution of researchers from the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE) of the Institut

Pierre Simon-Laplace (IPSL), the application uses artificial intelligence technologies and highlights the major role of the jet stream in the formation of storm clusters over metropolitan France. Such applications raise awareness of the importance of anticipating both extreme weather events, such as the “Lothar and Martin” of December 1999, and more “traditional” winter storms. In addition, beyond extreme events, policyholders are exposed to a multiplicity of recurring climatic events; it is therefore essential for Groupama to understand their determinants in order to better anticipate them. Providing confidence in risk control allows us to deliver on compensation in the most difficult of times. Focus on crop insurance in agriculture Frost on crops in April 2021 in France: Groupama mobilised in particular for wine growers (accelerated compensation, staggered payment of contributions, etc.); this event confirmed the climatic disturbances and the need to establish a crop insurance system that is economically viable and protective. Groupama is a major contributor to the public debate on the development of climate insurance. The crop insurance reform was launched in 2021. An inclusive and universal system will be established. Presented to the Council of Ministers in December 2021, the bill reforming climate risk management tools is welcomed by Groupama, which is particularly pleased with the importance given to public-private partnerships, with the intervention of national solidarity, which should also put an end to competition between insurance and the agricultural claims system. The bill also has the merit of distinguishing roles, reserving technical aspects to the group of insurers (pool), and governance to Codar, the crop insurance development steering committee, which will guide the strategy. In 2021, Groupama became a partner of Ombréa, an agrovoltaic solution that protects crops. Ombrea offers an innovative solution to create the right conditions for plants to thrive. The objective is to study the effects of climate risk events on crops as part of a comprehensive risk management approach. In addition to agriculture, each insurance business line is developing a roadmap to strengthen its actions in the area of climate change adaptation. Risks of storms, NatCat, forces of nature, and weather-related risks on harvests (or MRW) are addressed in connection with the group’s “Major Risks” plan as well as risk accumulation (technical): this plan consists of annual monitoring of each risk concerned, which makes it possible in particular to be as close as possible to the evolution of weather-related risk events.

Natural disasters. (1) Man-made perils. (2)

Mission des Risques Naturels, an association within the framework of the Fédération Française de l’Assurance (French insurance federation). (3) The partnership with Predict, initially on flood risk, has been gradually extended to storm, coastal flooding, heavy snowfall, heat wave, and extreme cold. (4)

83 Universal Registration Document 2021 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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