Groupama // 2021 Universal Registration Document

2 THE GROUP’S BUSINESSES Insurance in France

Automotive and Mobilities Groupama ranks number 4 on the French motor insurance market (source: L’Argus de l’Assurance – May 2021) and insures more than 4,061,000 passenger vehicles (1) as of the end of 2021. The Group offers a complete, innovative range of products and services at competitive prices responding to the major trends in consumption and including an original value-added service offering, for example for electric vehicles, as well as a unique prevention offering via the Centaure driving training centres, for policyholders and their children, also available to all drivers. Changes in car use (car-sharing, carpooling, lease-purchase plans/long-term rentals) and increasing and complementary use of other modes of transport (bicycles, electric bicycles, electric scooters) are areas where Groupama has established a position to offer its customers solutions in line with their needs and changes in the mobility sector. Multi-risk home This year, Groupama still ranks number 3 on the French home insurance market (source: Argus de l’assurance - May 2021). As of 31 December 2021, the Group had 3.5 million insured homes. Groupama’s range of home insurance solutions are comprehensive and very well positioned from a price point of view and allows it to reach a very broad target. Each year, we work to adapt the general terms and conditions and add types of cover or even services in order to adapt to changes in society. The Group is a leading player in the assistance market, via its subsidiary Mutuaide, which is present in all the assistance business lines (car breakdown assistance, personal assistance, medical repatriation, and home care). Mutuaide has also specialised in affinity insurance, which makes it possible to offer—to the Group and outside the Group—travel cancellation insurance, mechanical breakdown insurance, household property loss, theft, and breakage insurance, etc. To supplement its offering, Mutuaide also offers services such as crisis management, personal services, and event medicalisation. Legal Protection (b) Groupama is the number 2 player in France in the legal protection market, with insurance cover managed by the regional mutuals, on the one hand, and Groupama Protection Juridique on the other. With this cover, Groupama provides support to policyholders, whether individual or professional, who face situations of conflict, by helping them to assert their claims and assuming the corresponding expenses. Groupama Protection Juridique’s operating performance is based on the satisfaction of its customers, managed by its ISO 9001 certification since 1998, and a continuous improvement approach to customer satisfaction. Services Assistance, Affinity Insurance, Services (a)

Credit Insurance and Surety (c) Groupama is the only multi-line insurer to offer credit insurance and surety solutions through its subsidiary Groupama Assurance-Crédit & Caution. Its premium income amounted to €50 million as of 31 December 2021. The products are marketed by the regional mutuals, Gan Assurances agents, and a network of multi-line or specialist brokers. Agricultural insurance Groupama, the leading insurer in the agricultural world, has an ever-increasing presence with farmers and supports cereal farmers, breeders, winegrowers, market gardeners, arboriculturalists, equestrian professionals, and other sectors at all stages of their business as a farm operator with agricultural insurance adapted to protect the farmer, the farm Manager, and their relatives, employees, and partners. Today, more than two thirds of farmers still lack sufficient protection against the consequences of weather risk events. The Group, armed with its OPA status and within the French agriculture council (CAF), has chosen to adopt a pedagogical attitude towards farmers. Groupama’s “CLIMATS” multi-risk weather insurance for crops is one of the main tools for financially securing a farm in the event of weather events impacting crops. The Group is also deploying its “Objectif stabilité” policy (revenue insurance), responding to the context of market deregulation and rising volatility in commodity prices. In 2021, after a warm spring and early flowering, a cold snap followed by an extremely violent freeze hit almost all of France. Several hundreds of thousands of hectares of vines, tree arboriculture, and field crops (beetroot and rapeseed in particular) were severely damaged. Groupama quickly mobilised in the first hours of this crisis. The regional mutuals thus contacted their members to facilitate their claims reporting. On the ground, climate experts have also been mobilised, and the management teams have been reinforced. Groupama wanted to remain attentive to each of its members affected by this cold snap to assist them on a case-by-case basis with the difficulties they encountered. In addition, Groupama constantly adapts its risk prevention approach to respond to farmers’ issues. The aim is to support farmers in their daily lives in the development of their businesses by offering them services such as advisory visits to analyse the risks present on the farm or even personalised prevention plans. Groupama’s expertise can also be seen in its technical support for business diversification, such as methanisation and development of direct distribution. Following on from its Prevention actions and affirming its role as a leader and pioneer of the agricultural world, Groupama has offered innovative services since 2019 to allow farmers to look after their farm (connected fodder probes, smart video-surveillance cameras).

Number of motor policies including fleets, two-wheel vehicles, and new mobility (1)

21 Universal Registration Document 2021 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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