4 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) Declaration of Extra-financial Performance

safety, travel and in-person gatheringswere eliminated completely during the two lockdownperiods (spring and fall 2020) and partially between these periods. Recruitment, training, conventions, conferences, etc. were maintained using digital solutions that proved to be essential. During the 2020 Quality of Life at Work Week, a series of workshops and webinars were offered about the impacts of the Covid-19 crisis (especially with regard to psychological health, management, and work/life balance). The Group and its companiesprovidedcomprehensivesupport for the new situationcreatedby the crisis for employeesand Managers (extensive communication system and information meetings at regular intervals, messages from senior management, respect for the right to disconnect, particularly with regard to meeting times, employee perception surveys (3) stronger promotion of the Céla system, information on the possible use of telemedicine, cultural sessions, taking paid leave or rest days at regular intervals, well-being, video sports, etc.). The internal poll, to be conductedagain in March 2021,will gauge the industrial climate of the Group and the companies, notably through the evolutionof the engagementrate and the creation of a collaboration indicator. Despite the Covid-19 crisis, our programmes and events were maintained.The challengewas to continue “workingwell together” by creating proximity despite the distance imposed by the lockdowns. Some examples in 2020 include: continuationof the Coopér’actionprogramme (in 2020, good ■ teleworkingpractises, collaborativepractises in the DCS, and teamworkshops)by the team of Facilit’acteurs– publicationin late 2020 of a book dedicated to the achievements of the Group (4) which was awarded the prestigious 2020 Prix des Entreprises Nouvelle Génération (NextGen) for this initiative; the 2020 POCAIMONGroup Challenge,11 projects,aimed to ■ encourage and highlight artificial intelligence initiatives with high added value carried out by all of the Group’s entities. Performance indicator ❯ Group absenteeism rate (France + international): 7.6% (7.3% in 2019). The increase was within the France scope (+0.5 points) on the illness component. Although there is no possibility of verifying this hypothesis, the Covid-19 factor could explain part of this increase. The negotiation of an agreement on the SWP continued in 2020 within the Group Industrial Dialogue Committee. Marked by the health crisis, 2020 was an opportunity to experiment with new practiceswith the industrialpartnersat the Group level, in particular by holding several meetingsof the Group industrial dialoguebodies remotely (Group Committee, Group Works Council, European Works Council, and EWC Board, etc.), including negotiations in connection with the Group Industrial Dialogue Committee.

A maximum number of training events initially planned in the classroom have been switched to e-learning, resulting in a reduction in the number of hours given the format and a decrease in related expenses. The organisationset up to mitigate the effects of the health crisis therefore made it possible to contain the negative cyclical impact on the number of employees trained. Issue of “working well together” (b) The risk of a deteriorating industrial climate is intrinsic to industrial dialogue.While tensionsmay arise dependingon the topics (salary negotiations, retirement, working conditions/qualityof life at work, working hours, etc.), the social approachand the mechanismsput in place within the Group make it possible tloimit these risks. The risk may be more acute in connection with a transformative corporate plan (deployment of the DCS (1) , flex office, etc.). Increased vigilance will be needed where sites are restructured (such as the phased relocationto the NanterreCampussince 2017 and its next steps initiated in 2021 as well as the current Bordeaux site consolidationproject). The policies and actions implementedin recent years: the Group has developed a multi-level industrial dialogue organisation: at the level of each company, with an organisation adapted to ❯ the regional scale, size, and business of the company; at the UES or UDSG level (2) making it possible to address ❯ subjects common to multiple companies; and at the Group level, where the Industrial Dialogue Committee ❯ makes it possible to negotiate measures applicable to all employees. Each level has its own industrial dialogue bodies and its own industrial agenda. Also note: the establishment of a psychological support system for the ■ Group and within the companies: confidential listening unit (“Céla”, renewed on 1 January 2021), assistance for caregivers, development of social events, establishment of psychosocialrisk (PSR) preventionplans in all the companies, and wide distribution of e-learningmodules on Quality of Life at Work; the development of collaborative/participatory actions and ■ consultationof employees (participationin the developmentof strategies, tests, improvements to spaces, etc.), who are a source of creativity, agility, and motivation; the extensive possibilities of teleworking (from before the 2020 crisis, so in 2019, more than 3,200 employees had chosen one of the offered methods); the developmentof the quality of integration of newcomers, etc. The major event during the crisis was the massive, rapid, effective deployment of teleworking: 20,000 people in France from the beginning of the lockdown(22,000at the end of April or 97%of the workforce); also note that the Group did not resort to the partial unemployment financed by the national authority. For everyone’s

Digital Collaborative Space. (1) UES and UDSG correspond to Groupama employer groups. (2) Example: survey of Groupama Assurances Mutuelles (GMA) employees, Nov. 2020: 83.4% are handling teleworking well, and 86.2% feel that their working (3) conditions are good. “La coopération pour transformer”, our second book as part of our partnership with the ESSEC Chair of Change Management. (4)

76 Universal Registration Document 2020 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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