4 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) Declaration of Extra-financial Performance

compliance with the requirementto hold Annual and Professional ❯ Reviews (EAEP and EP); training of Managers and salespeople (on products, new tools, ❯ regulations, etc., especially in life insurance) (context of implementation of IDD (3) ); creation of programmes to develop cross-functionalskills such ❯ as Project Expert (PEPS). The commitmentto employabilityand the training were maintained during this fiscal year, which is a key issue for the sustainable development of the Company. Three examples of the series of actions taken in 2020 were: work with the industrial partners on a group-levelSWP, which ■ will serve as a driving force for the SWP in the Company. The ambition is to build on a foundationof commonmeasuresand to increase synergies in terms of a forward-lookingapproach to skills and the development of professions as well as the promotion of social innovation with regard to resources intended for employees in order to develop their skills and build their career plan; the continuation of ongoing projects such as the community ■ training kits on targeted themes (pros, GDPR (4) , etc.) and the innovative Skills project: concerning professions undergoing major transformation (DOSI, claims management, accountants), a dynamic skills management platform will be opened in early 2021 (5) to a set of employees to enable them to play a part in their career plan by requesting the necessary support; innovations in training methods, to continue and improve the ■ impacts of training, particularly in this period of teleworking and the Covid-19 crisis; examples of initiatives: development of mobile learning (HUH app for coaching in English, Beedeez@GPVL for salespeople learning via their mobile phones, etc.) – short virtual classes on management, digital tools, interactiveworkshops,web cafés, etc. In the future, the training paths will be increasingly mixed, combining remote and face-to-face formats. Performance indicator ❯ Rate of trained employees (rate of access to training = number of trained employees/totalnumber of employees): 98.4% (100.7% in 2019); the rate of trainedemployeesremainsvery high at more than 9 out of 10 employees. The calculationmethod includes individualswho left the Company as of 31 December 2020 and is divided by the number of employees as of 31 December 2020. Additional indicators ❯ Number of trained employees: -5.2%/2019; training hours: -20.3%/2019; expenditure:-27%/2019;share of e-learning:25.8% (15.9% in 2019).

In addition to this mappingwork, the following are indicated in this declaration: risks that are already incorporated into the Group Major Risks ❯ framework; risks or topics that must be reported according to the ❯ regulations. This documentwill discuss the impactsand actions implementedin favour of stakeholdersduring the health and economiccrisis within each of the challenges and risks concerned. Social issues and associated risks In terms of employer responsibility, the key objectives during the 2020 crisis were to preserve employee health, maintain team cohesion, and ensure business continuity. Human resourcesmanagementis one of the pillars of our model. In this area, five risks (1) were identified,each correspondingto an issue of our responsibleemployerpolicy, three of which appear to be the most significant: Issue of employability (a) The risk of inadequacyof skills with changes in the business lines. This is a significantrisk today due in particularto the digitalisationof business lines, changes in working methods, and regulatory developments – in particular on products and advice – which are increasingly numerous. This also concerns the issue of the attractiveness of our companies, which will need to capture more digital profiles and certain outside skills. Business lines are under intense stress due to the internal and external scarcity of skills, such as data scientists and experts on business insurance or professionals (in cyber-risk, for example). In mass markets, there is also an increasingneed for skills related to new mobility (auto) or claims management skills; the claims Manager profession is substantially shifting towards more advice and proactiveness for the customer. New customer journeys are being developedin propertydamageand motor insurance,and the notion of “enhanced” Manager is taking shape. In addition, new risks ( e.g. cyber-risk) and new services are developing to support the customer (compensationin kind, direct agreement,support for victims of bodily injury, etc.). The policies and actions implemented in recent years: the Group anticipates these changes by pursuing an HR policy that fully incorporates the training and skillsmatching aspects, for example: ongoing development of an SWP (2) policy updated in the ❯ companies;

negotiation of an SWP agreement at the Group level; ❯ reviews of Directors (and succession plans) and staff; ❯

See summary tables of risks in the appendix. (1) Strategic workforce planning, SWP. (2) IDD, see point (3) General Data Protection Regulation. (4) 5 companies, 200 employees initially. (5)

75 Universal Registration Document 2020 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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